

It's 12:09am.

That is all.
Good night?
Good morning?

I'm bored :P

It's already August?

August is here. Summer is almost gone, I can feel it slipping through my fingers like jelly. I haven't done what I wanted to. Reread all the Harry Potter books, go to the pool everyday, hangout with my buddies. In terms of HP, I'm only up to book 2; The Chamber of Secrets. I've been to the pool like two times this whole summer, and I've only hung out with my best buddy Tiff. At least it's something right? PLUS I've been to the beach too :P

The biggest event that has been occurring is POTTERMORE. To sum it all up it's like an interactive experience where I'll be able to go to Hogwarts. LEGIT STUFF. I signed up on day 3 and apparently today emails are SUPPOSED TO BE SENT. Apparently no one has gotten anything yet. Or maybe some have but have sworn to secrecy? Who knows, BUT I CAN'T WAIT! One thing that Pottermore has taught me these past few days, is to be patient. So the excitement for college has died down a bit. Yup, it has gone down. It's so close and WOW, it's coming up way too fast. ERP. (Note that all this is for those that signed up and registered for early access to the site. Everyone else that isn't registered yet will have the chance to in October when the site is open for everyone BUT because I signed up early, I get in early along with other fellow Potterheads.)

Last night I got my YW's medallion. It really wasn't that big of a deal as I thought it would be. Maybe because I scrambled to finish Personal Progress? It was still pretty special :)

I won't be writing as frequent. Well I didn't really in the first place anyway hehehehe :P
I might post something here and there, but don't expect a play by play of every single thing going on in my life.
I'll try my best to though! I will guarantee that I will write a whole bunch at college :D

A little something something to include that I want to get off my chest: I think I'm falling for someone that I haven't even meet personally yet. I feel like I've known him forever and I've never experienced that before.
