
"I look adorable but I have no where to go"

Do you ever have those days where you just decoded to do your makeup and get dressed even though you have no where to go? Cause that's literally me right now. I could have gone to the gym, but since I'm facetiming with my darling sister, I decoded against it only because when I FT with my sis we do it not for just a short time, but basically all day. It's an all day thing. I'll probably do some Pilates later tonight, at like 10 or something so I can go to sleep feeling sore which by the way is the best feeling ever. So here I am sitting here looking cute with really long eyelashes and white shimmer on my eyelids with absolutely no where to go, lol. Oh well. I feel fab so whatever.

It's the second to last Friday before the invasion of the incoming freshmen here in Rexburg. It's been so nice just being here not having to see a swarm of annoying people everywhere I go. When there's a pack of Mormons there's bound to be some major judging going on, everyone knows that. I love what this church stands for and it's doctrines and teachings and whatnot, it's just the people that I can't stand sometimes. I know not everyone's like this with their "holier than you" attitude, but here in Idaho, that's like 95% of the population. I'm not judging, I'm just saying it how it is. People here say that they're not judgmental and whatever, but please. Yes you are. Even I am and I admit to it. But when someone goes around being this example goody two shoes Mormon and then another day turns around and is somebody completely different, then yeah basically I can't stand two faced people. Just pick one way to be and leave it at that. Stop trying to keep up appearances. I'm not particularly saying all this for a reason, I just felt inspired I guess to write about something related to my soon to be return to torture and sleep deprivation days. It's my senior year in college guys, a senior! Where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday I was crying in my dorm room putting away my socks as I thought about how I missed my mom on that first day of college. I'm so excited to graduate. I still have like 2 semesters after this one, but only because I have somethings to take care of before I leave here. And also because I'm taking my time; I don't want to load up on classes just so I finish and graduate by next July. Anyway, graduation. So excited! I already decided on what I'm doing. Like pretty much 50% of people after graduation (maybe) I'm still going to be at my mom's. Why pay for an apartment just to be alone? I don't like being alone, let alone living alone. It's going to be so fun. I'm going to apply to be a teacher at the Headstart a few towns away, go to concerts with my sis, cook amazing food, and just have fun. I might even go on a trip to Europe, who knows. All in all, I'm not ready to be an adult. At all.
