
2012 in a nutshell

Quick, before the motivation leaves me!
Here is a recap of how 2012 ended up being one of the worst years ever. And go!

The year started off just fine. I found a job and was getting paid pretty good too, accumulating a small pile for myself once I went back to school for spring semester. Then, something happened that to this day I still hit myself over. Because I let a good guy go and set myself up for it too by being stupid and immature. Now that I've thought of it for quite sometime now, that relationship turned into one of those that you are left wondering what could have been and feeling like it ended leaving me with an "unfinished" and "incomplete" feeling. No idea if that makes sense, but oh well. For some reason, I don't feel the effects of a break up until many moments later. So much nostalgia and feelings of "how could I have been so stupid!?" start kicking in. That's life though, you make mistakes, you act stupid, and realize it when it's already too late.  And you're left with no choice but to move on and forget about it.
Spring semester started and it wasn't so bad as I thought it would be. I had totally new roommates and a new environment to get used to without the people that I had become accustomed to the previous semester. With stuff going on at home and things heating up, I was really a train wreck and the most emotionally unstable and vulnerable I have ever been. Eventually things got a bit better as the semester came to a close. I got to know my roommates that I disliked a bit more and ended up actually liking them, ended up believing all things sweet, and learned that I really can be on my own and be fine. Spring semester 2012 ended up teaching that I could be on my own, it marked the start of my independence.
I came home and things were the same, but different too. Slowly but surely my dad ended up leaving the end of the summer. One day he just got up and left, without even saying goodbye. I felt abandoned, unwanted  sad, many emotions took over me that summer. As summer came to a close, I looked forward to fall 2012 back in Idaho. I was looking forward to seeing my friends again and other things that I had planned for myself to do. What can I say, things didn't go as I believed they would and there was friend drama towards the middle of the semester. Towards the end we resolved it and then the semester ended. That semester I learned that I shouldn't believe everything that anyone says to me, no matter how sweet or nice or great it sounds. I learned that you shouldn't waste your tears on people that aren't worth it. I learned that friendships can slowly get weaker. And I learned that the only person you can truly rely on is the Lord and yourself.

And then I came home feeling relieved that I had finally let everything negative and disappointing about the year be left behind in Idaho and finally came to learn the fact that I needed to be better again and that I couldn't be an emotional mess forever. All you can do is move forward so why waste my energy over things that I can't change?

Now that the year is coming to a close soon, I feel an even bigger sense of relief. Like I can breathe again and let that ugly cloud of depression and anxiety leave me. I turned 20 too, can't forget that. I entered a new decade in my life and now I'm entering a new year with new experiences, new lessons to learn from, new blessings, new things! And honestly, I'm throwing the "relationship" flag away. Like a forfeit. Cause all I need at this point in my life is to focus in school the most I can and to try the hardest I can, make better relationships with new friends and strengthen my relationships with old friends. The whole relationship thing can wait until later, there's no rush. I want to travel back in time and slap myself for spending so much energy and time worrying about ending up alone.

Ain't no one got time for that.

Now to enjoy an all night marathon of How I Met Your Mother and enjoying my homemade healthy platano raspberry smoothie to bring in 2013.
I'm alone on New Years Eve and I'm OK with it, really.

Because even though this year has been horrible, all the moments of happiness and laughter with people that love me outweighs them all.

Happy New Year!

May your year be great and full of blessings!

Pictures, an ugly sweater, unemployment, and mission calls

I really do love those sock buns. Still trying to master the art of doing them and perfecting them like my sister does. In the meantime it's "STEPH, CAN YOU DO A SOCK BUN ON ME?"
There's this sweater that I'm wearing right now (not that sweater in the sock bun picture, although that sweater was puke looking, but whatever) and it is so unbelievably comfy, like wow. But it's really hideous looking.
It has been a while since I've written here. There have been times where I'm like "I want to write something today!...and it's gone" and other times where I've just wanted to be browsing through Pinterest all day. But no more, back to writing!

Fall 2012 came and went. Friend issues, other issues-- all sorts of issues came up, but it's over now and I can really say now that everything that happened fall that caused me to shed tears over and be angry/jealous about is over because with the start of me entering my twenties, it feels like turning over a new leaf and entering for real a totally new and fresh stage in my life. That sounds corny, but it's true. I feel that once I wake up on the 27th, it marks the start of a totally new me. I'm no longer going to be seen as some teenager, but truly as an adult. Now if I could only start to look 20 instead of a 16 year old like many tell me. I guess that the "young" concept will be great when I'm in my 30s, hahaha.

Before school ended I contacted the lady I worked for last winter, but according to her there are no positions available and so I am currently unemployed. I can't spend all winter not doing anything, I'll die! I did sign up for that pathway speaking partner program, but that's only twice a week and it's volunteer work. I guess in the meantime I really dedicate myself to my workout sessions. Feeling kinda crummy when it comes to giving it my all during my workouts since thanksgiving. Gotta step it up a little bit!

My brother got his mission call today! FINALLY!
Opening it tomorrow night. And on my birthday! Then off to the city with my best friend for my birthday.
With all that excitement of mission calls and mission related dreams... it got me to thinking about serving a mission myself. Before after that mission announcement I seriously was considering it, but I knew I only partially felt that way because it was the current "craze" of the moment with the new mission age announcement and all. But ever since I had this dream about being in the mission field, I'm thinking again. I'm not in a serious relationship, I don't have a lot going on in my life right now, nothing that could stop me from going, so why not? Still a lot to really think hard about.

I really like this song. Yes I do!
Spotify is a beautiful thing, bringing me all these songs I've forgotten.

The world dumb. Everything is dumb. People are dumb.

This world is seriously going down the toilet and we're all to blame,