
Whoa, what are you doing there?

Have you ever had those moments where you can't fall asleep because there is someone on your mind? A person that randomly just chooses to pop into your mind that hasn't visited in like forever into your subconscious. Usually when someone pops in randomly like that it usually means that they're thinking of you too OR that you yourself need to see and ask what they're up do, how they're doing. I don't know. At this point, I'm just done with all that happened last year and I'm just over it all. But I just can't shake this feeling that something is up. Hmm, we'll see.

So I've been thinking, mostly about what I'm going to do with my future. When will I finally really and permanently move away from home and truly be on my own? Of course, first things first-- I need to get a couple things done first before that.  For some reason I want to move to the city as my first "official" place. Funny, I've never really seen myself living in the city, EVER, simply because it smells, it's too loud, the people are too mean and too quick paced, but I don't know-- somehow that quick paced lifestyle is appealing. Or I could just stay here, where I am, but rent out a nice apartment on my own. Who knows, right? In the mean time I'm just focused on school and what I'm going to do with my life and where it's headed. Right now I'm in total "detox" mode-- in a way "cleaning" myself from everything that made me a sad sappy mess. Away with that! I'm totally in dominating mode. I feel that this new year will have some surprising things in store for me. Of course life isn't life without a few knocks to the ground and in the meantime I will start building an indestructible shield within myself to never ever let myself be hurt again, ever.

My dad leaving totally changed my perspective on life; that you can only really depend on yourself in the end and of course the Lord. There comes a time where you just gotta get a grip, wipe away the self pity you have, wipe away those tears, and kick those spells away. When you're sad and down, Satan just laughs. He laughs that you're that way. That's something I regret, how could I have let myself allow that? But like I said before, that's over for good. I will no longer give him a reason to be happy about my misery.

SO, guess where I'm finally going this year? To Ecuador! Really excited, really. All my family is down there. Over here it's kinda barren relative wise, but over many cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.  Family really is great. So great. Be grateful for what you have dear reader, appreciate your family and all their little moments of quirkiness

You know who's great and amazing?
Rob Thomas. 

He really is such an amazing artist, like oh my goodness.

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