
Getting your hopes up

I've sucked at writing on here and for that I'm sorry. Now sit down and enjoy this next installment.

I've been in this dilemma lately. It happened again and I started to really, REALLY like this guy. My mom loves him already, my sister loves him, even my dog loves him. So in other words, he has their stamp of approval. Here's the story. When I first met him, I didn't like him. He reminded me of my aunt's drunk boyfriend. Towards the end of fall semester 13', I started to reconsider him. He really is such a great person. He has the kindest . So cheesy. heart ever and you can really feel his love for others. He's hilarious and funny and so nice, awwwe. I literally think I fell in love with him or as I once said to my sister, his "soul". Seriously though, I can't even handle how much I like him. And there have been instances where it seemed like he did too by his body language. I don't know, when it comes to little flirty gestures or whatever you call it, I tend to over-think the situation. and then I grow too attached to that person and end up getting disappointed when things don't turn out like I would want them to, BUT this time I will not just simply sit back and wait for things to happen. Why did it have to take me forever to figure this out--- that if I want something or in this case, someone, I need to work for it and to really prove it that I want it.  It's crazy to think about though case in my patriarchal blessing it says that I need to seek out this guy that I supposed to end up with so by this desire that I have to really make this guy fall in love with me-- things might end up "coming to pass".

This is totally weird though because I'm not that type of person to seek out someone, most especially a guy.
So that's what has been happening lately. I don't know if it will go anywhere, but there's nothing to lose if I try right?

Once we exchange numbers, let the games begin :P

On another note, I changed my mind of what I want to do after I graduate. My originally planned to get certified as a child life specialist, but it's a lot of work. Not that I'm lazy and can't do all the work it takes to complete it--- its just not something that I can see myself enjoying for years and years to come. I thought about it hard and thought back to my experiences with volunteering and working at the day care and I came to the conclusion that I love to teach kids, especially at this early age where learning is so crucial for them and sets the foundation for everything else they learn later on. I remember being the assistant, the volunteer, etc and wishing that I was the teacher that was leading. I want to be able to manage ,y own little classroom and teach these little kids stuff. Hopefully this time next year I don't have a different idea of what I want to do with my degree.

OH, and this song!
Thanks to my sister-- I'm obsessed with this :)

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