
New things are on their way!

I've been looking into the whole making money off blogging topic and apparently you can! I've had this blog for like 3 years now so I might as well get something from it all, right? Wouldn't it be cool if I had more traffic coming in-- meaning all kinds of users that read what I have to say? Maybe I'll start writing about different new things now. I'll still write every day stuff-- but maybe I'll write about more various things like different issues, recipes I try, etc.

This could really be the start of something new! *cue high school musical song*

Anyway, let's start off with something so awesome and magical that I can honestly say it has changed my life and has improved it by 1000 times more!


I've always been a fan of exercise and trying new things. I especially love my cardio most of all. Going through all sorts of exercises through the years-- I never really saw the results I wanted. What makes everything a million times harder is the fact that I have such a weird body. Due to my physical condition most of my strength and muscle comes from my right side. So when I train my body becomes disproportionate. Anyway, moving on.  Blogilates is amazing! Cassey Ho, the instructor is a certified Pilates instructor and she has this site (above) where she teaching Pilates. Not just Pilates, but all sorts of exercises like HIIT, stretching, dance, etc. I decoded in January that I needed to tone up my body. With her workout calendars and tips-- I have made such a big change. I feel more energized, more confident, and might I add a really great looking butt ;) Her exercises have helped me be more equal on both sides in terms of muscle tome. The process is a slow one, but it's all about determination and talking it one step at a time!

Exercise and training hard has been something that has made me believe that I am capable of doing anything that I set my mind to. Even though at times I feel like dying and giving up, I don't. Cassey's constant words of encouragement are encouraging and help me go that extra mile. There's a saying that she says in her workouts-- train insane or remain the same. It's a wonderful motto to live by if you think of it. Not only can it apply to working out, but life too. Give it your all. Give all your effort into whatever you're doing or your circumstances will remain the same. You are capable of changing your future and to shape it anyway that you want. So yeah, go check her website out! There's her monthly workout calendars, meal plans (I'm starting one once I get back to school!), a store you can get cute and comfy workout gear, and other awesome stuff!
No matter who you are or what your circumstances are I honestly think that you should incorporate fitness and nutrition into your life. Not only does it put you in great shape and increases your health, but it also improves your emotional health! I don't care if you're the most overweight person ever-- get your butt off that couch and start bettering your life! Eating clean (at least trying to) and working out is seriously an important key to overall happiness.
And that's what it has helped me do, be happy with not only myself, but my overall life. It has helped me see things in a different light and to change unhealthy habits. I know I'm never going to look like a model or whatever. Cassey has taught me to accept myself and love myself the way that I am- disability and all. It started off being about improving my appearance, but then it turned into improving my soul as well. I'm so thankful for what Cassey does and I hope that she gets more recognition for what she does and reaches everything that she has set out to do with her website.

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