
Who the heck is this chick?

Ok, I lied. I wanted to post more. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

 This blogging deal is very fun...sorta. I just looked at some of the blogs posted on the BYUI group and my little ol' blog is nothing compared to theirs. BUT HEY, THOU SHALT NOT COVET. 
I wanted to put some pictures to give my blog a little "kick".

This picture was at graduation. That's me (the one with the white in case you couldn't figure it out) and my Aunt Ana (who's hilariously looking the other way). I AM PROUD TO SAY I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL WITHOUT GETTING PREGNANT! Not a very "normal" thing to say, but in my family that's all that happens to the females my age. Well, most of them. Like my cousin who shall remain nameless in case she sees this which wouldn't be very good. She grew up with me, we shared everything, we were like twins. Unlike me, she wasn't blessed with what I was blessed with; the Gospel in my life. I am so grateful for that, for growing up with standards to guide my life in the right direction. Getting baptized is the best decision I have ever made in my life so far. So what next?


with college, duhhh
Like SERIOUSLY I AM SO EXCITED FOR COLLEGE! AHHHHHHHH! I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET EVERYONE AND PARTY! (and study too of course!) So what will I be doing besides flirting with the RMs, partyin' it up, and having all nighters like every night? I will be aspiring to become a Child Life Specialist. I seriously love kids. They are the light of my eyes. (stop laughing!) Being around them and showing them the right ways of life is my favorite thing to do. I want kids that I am involved with to learn of their self worth and learn to cope with difficult aspects of their lives like I once did. I never had an easy life. I had one of the hardest childhoods growing up. I was beaten, I was humiliated, I was alone, I suffered. I don't want the kids of our future to go through living lives similar to mine. I'm not ashamed to admit that. But let's not go into detail ok? Some things are best said then read online.

I will miss this mini monster so so much! Her name's Stephanie, she's my sister (duh). I make fun of her, she makes fun of me- that's basically our relationship. Then there's the other side of our relationship where we love each other and have the best time doing stupid things like tossing marshmallows to the ceiling and catching them with our mouths. I tell her (almost) everything.

I am basically like her second mother. I bathed her, I changed her, I carried her, I stayed up with her when she was teething, I rocked her to bed. (great, now I feel teary eyed).

That's my brother, the one holding his nose. He's Adrian. I love this kid so much even though sometimes he drives me bananas! We have been through the same difficult situations growing up and he has always been there to protect me even though he's the younger brother. He gets jealous, he tells me if the guy I'm dating is right for me, and most of the time he's been right about them. Brother knows best?
Since we share a room (since like forever), I talk to him when I can't fall asleep. We talk about everything and anything. He is honest about everything and that's a quality that I admire. He is also one of the funniest people that I know. I seriously mean it when I say I hope my future husband is like him.

The other item in the picture? Well, that's my AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL cat Michela. I seriously love her sooooooooooo much. I feel like she understands me, she listens, she comforts. I can feel her love whenever she rubs herself against my cheek. It's an indescribable feeling; my love for this crazy little black panther. I will cry myself to sleep thinking about her in college, that's how much I love her. She's like a mini daughter to me <3

Well, my hands hurt. I don't want carpal tunnel so I'll leave it at that.


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