


In 8th grade my english teacher told everyone that saying this phrase, "bunny,bunny,bunny" gives you good luck for the entire month. You say it at the start of every month! Don't believe in that sort of thing? Are you the kind of person that believes in hard earned luck and making your own luck in this world? Well, do this anyway. For the fun of it at least.
So today was pretty weird. I was photographed by The Journal News. Now, it really wasn't that big of a deal as I thought it was. At least I was with my friend Bella so it wasn't so bad. I hope the pictures turn out good. The last thing I need is a horrible picture of me circulating the entire town. That's the thing about pictures. When I take them myself, they're not bad and I look pretty good. When other people take them, it's a disaster. Anyway, moving on.
I really can't believe that I'm going to college with my friend Alida. I only met her through the freshmen group on facebook, but I feel as if she's my long lost twin or something. Have you ever had that feeling? You talk to someone you just met and feel as if you've known them forever? It could really just mean I must have met her in the pre-mortal realm. No wonder our moms hit it off so well yesterday. Our families must have been neighbors or something.
Come September and I will be super excited like non stop all the time. I will be laughing at the stupidest things (oh wait, I already do that), hyperactive, and really really annoying because all I will ever talk about the days leading up to September are the following:
1.) Meeting Alida
2.) Spending a couple days with Alida
3.) Being in the city
4.) Going to Panic! At The Disco with Alida
5.) Stalking the band until they agree to give us each a hug, a picture, and an autograph 
6.) Flying to Idaho with Alida, her mom, and my mom
8.) Meeting the people from the freshmen group 
People say I'm obsessed. :)

I'm on my 5th day of Insanity. That workout seriously kicks my butt. By the end of each workout, there are literally puddles of sweat. I ask myself each day, "why am I doing this stupid thing!" and the occasional "I hate you Shaun T!". I guess I just want something challenging to do this summer. It's a goal for me to finish the 60 days and actually feel accomplished and able to say I was stupid enough to do and finish Insanity this summer.
Back to the topic of college. I need to vend a little about it.
I spend SO much time with my family that it's going to be so so so hard not being with them. My mom has said to me many times that I'm the backbone of her will to be strong. That doesn't make sense, does it? Lets put it this way, I give my mom strength every day to feel encouraged with life because truthfully, her life ain't so swell. She has to provide for not only my siblings, but she has to keep everything paid for like the electricity, the cable, ect. My dad lives with us, but that's only until they get to an agreement about divorce. It doesn't hurt. I mean I love my dad and all, but the things he does to my mom are stupid. My mom seriously doesn't deserve it. I'm glad my mom is the way she is. Her strength, her courage... it really is inspiring. Anyway, I'm going to miss her. I'm going to miss being her strength, but she has my siblings. As she always says, "You gotta learn to fly eventually."

I'd type more, but I have go pick up my sister at camp. Later, I gotta eat lunch and just chill for a bit. Then we'll see what happens. You've been a great audiance, keep it up!


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