
The bae

This one's for you Steph-- a post dedicated to just you. Isn't that grand? Isn't this picture so cute, awwwe. To be honest, I feel so lazy right now. Like a lot. I could really use a nap right now, but because I love you so much I'll endure all the laziness and lack of motivation to write and write about how wonderful you are and how you're my main bae.

This is my adorable yet obnoxious little sister Stephanie. She's 13 years old, which by the way is so weird to think about now that I'm writing that down. Where did the time go? I remember her when she was the size of a watermelon and slobbered all over the place. Geez, you slobbered a lot. It was cute, yet gross. But mostly cute because it gave off a shiny glow to your face. I remember seeing you grow up and just thinking about how fast you've grown up and I didn't even notice. I thought about the day that you would finally be walking and then all of a sudden you were! Then I thought about when you would be talking, going to school, etc and then that happened. Now you're a teenager and I feel old. You have your own life and your own friends and as you get older it seems that you don't need me anymore like you used to and it makes me sad. You're more preoccupied with the number of followers you have then anything else. You have your own dilemmas to deal with. You have crushes and obsess over boys like I used to at your age and still do if you want to get technical. Before long you'll be in high school and going off to prom and having a boyfriend and going to college and I'll be here feeling like an old fart sitting in my house full of cats.

Anyway, my wonderful adorable little sister is the best. She is so funny and my best friend. I can never stay mad at her for long because then one of us says something stupid and then we end up laughing like goons. She knows everything (almost) about me and I (mostly) tell her everything. We have the greatest and weird inside jokes. Like the Moo cow song. Ahahahahaha, omg. I honestly wish that she was my twin instead so that she could be here in college with me. That would be seriously amazing. We'd have the best time watching endless amounts of netflixs and eating our feelings. I do that with my roommates, but it's not the same as doing it with your number one muchacha.

OMG, I just thought about that time that you were like a couple months old and I fed you some expired milk. Mommy found out and she started freaking out and saying how if you didn't poop it out you'd die. We freaked out forever until you finally pooped. I don't know why I find that hilarious.

But yeah, you're awesome. And I'm thankful for having you as my sister. I could have had any other sister, but Heavenly Father gave me you instead. Ericka could have been my sister instead, omg imagine! ahahahaha

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