
Why I can't get married

I've seriously thought about it-- this time in my life is supposed to be where I'm wild and free and whatnot with doing all these different things that make me happier than any guy could to be honest. I want to live these years (or 20s as some call it) to the fullest doing all these things I love. Concerts, laughing, being silly, obsessing over band members, etc.  I'm not ready to be serious and for full adult responsibilities.

It's crazy though how much you can love a band/artist and even crazier how much you can grow to love
everything about someone that doesn't even know that they mean the world to you. Cause that's how much I love 5SOS. They say that you are attracted to band members that reflect you and Michael Clifford does that. I love them all, believe me. Equal love for everyone of you boys. But Michael is my main bae. He's so chill and down to earth and would just rather spend all day in bed indoors doing nothing, but somehow making the most of it and finding a way to have fun. Ha, I don't even know what that even means what I just wrote. And his voice and his sense of humor, and his smile, and the way he looks when he plays. He's happy and shows it to the world even if he may be hurting inside. He finds humor in every situation and I seriously love that about him. I'd love to be friends with him and just spend the day together. We'd eat pizza, watch pokemon (the originals of course none of this new age crap), and listen to music. All while in our PJs. Anyway, as the title states, I can't get married. And exactly for this reason. I'm too attached to band members and bands and music. It's all I ever think about and care about. I guess you can say I'm immature, especially for my age, but whatever, ya know? Do what makes you happy. Who cares what anyone might say. My goal has shifted from getting married like everyone else around me to just graduating college, working, and spending most of my free days going to concerts and meeting my favorite people in the whole world. Not just this band, but every band and artist that I have grown to love. They've been there for me in a way that no one else can ever be. They bring me the greatest happiness, especially during those times where it seemed impossible simply by just playing their music and being themselves. All my favorite bands mean so much to me and I wish I can meet all my favs one by one and tell them how they have helped me find happiness even during the darkest of times.

It's just so amazing to me how you can have your dreams come true. Take One Direction for example- they went on the Xfactor never in a million years thinking that they would be put in such a successful band. Now look where they are now- it's so inspiring. And 5SOS oh my goodness. They started off just playing in their garage and posting covers on Youtube, then what do you know, Louis saw them and before you knew it, this band from Australia was opening up for one of the biggest boy bands in the world. I'm not saying that Louis was the reason they're famous now or even that it's due to 1D that 5SOS are big now. It was all them. They worked so unbelievably hard to play the best they could EVERY TIME and to give it their all in reaching the point at where they are now. And they won a VMA last week. Do you realize how proud I am of these boys? I feel like a mother who just sent her child off to school for the first time. We sent our boys of to the world and they're making it. They made it. They're living their dream. Your life can change by just one small action. Bands and artists like this make me remember that dreams can really become a reality if you give it 100%. Bands like these are my inspiration to keep on dreaming and hoping for the things that I want out of life.

And so there you have it peeps-- I can't get married (at least now) because I'm just too attached to bands and band members. I wouldn't be able to juggle married life and band life, but eventually I know there will come a day where I'll have to get it together, but I hope not because these bands that I've loved throughout the years are my everything and they truly saved me. That's cliche, but it's true. They give me so much happiness. It even scares me sometimes how much I love all these bands and artists.

Oh, and before I forget and if you didn't already know I bought concert tickets to go see 5SOS with my sister next year. As of today, 368 days to go! Currently planning my outfit and devising ways to meet them in person, especial my sunshine Michael.

1 comment:

  1. You can be married and still be immature! :)

    But, I'm all for you living life and lovin' it. No need to be married for that.
