
eL oH eL

Love the new blog title? Cause I do!


Anyway, something crazy happened yesterday. OK not so crazy, but just unexpected. Remember the jerk that stood me up? Well, he got a hold of me yesterday really randomly and I called him out on what happened that day. According to him he was just really nervous and ended up having some work to do that night. I don't know if this is true or not, but whatever. We joked around a bit and I went to bed. Then he texted me good morning. Haha, I love good morning texts. But I'm still pissed off at him even though he keeps hinting that he wants to hang out. Whatever though cause I don't want to overthink this or give it expectations just because he is paying attention to me. We'll see where this goes to and I'll be sure to give the details. Honestly though, I kinda want something to happen. But then I don't. Cause even though I don't know him that well yet I can easily guess we have very different views on things and want different things. And I've been taught not to settle and to go after the things (or in this case the man) that can give me all I want and need. But said man is nowhere to be seen so I'm here thinking "just have fun with it and see where it goes if it goes anywhere".  Cause thinking about it dating non members was so much more fun than dating mormon guys. Whatever though, no thinking about this! Get out get out thoughts! No expectations remember!?

Anywho, I got a haircut yesterday. Nothing dramatic. Just added layers. And my eyebrows! It was a good day! Now I'm off to cuddle in my couch and read this book I bought at Target today.

Currently seriously crushing on these guys. Holy tacos I want one! They are amazing singers omggggg!!

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