
I can really be overdramatic

In relation to the post below-- well then. 
Well played God, well played.

So after that post and venting on here, I decided to go out and sit on the porch despite it being freezing outside. So I put on my coat, grabbed my scriptures and left. At that time the only thing that could truly calm me down was the scriptures-- whatever I read was going to help me and boy did it. At first I started reading D&C, but something wasn't right. So I started with the New Testament instead and started with Matthew. I read about the birth of Christ and how King Herod was after him and how they escaped to Egypt then came back and the formation of the 12 disciples up until the Sermon on the Mount. What got me was what Jesus said about loving our enemies, blessing those that curse us, and turning the other cheek when wronged. What was I accomplishing by being angry? I don't remember exactly where I read it, but I read somewhere that being angry is like threatening to throw a rock at someone while squeezing a bunch of salt-- it only hurts you. That's something that I need to work on-- not being so quick to get angry as well as holding my tongue when I'm angry. Let me tell you, when I'm mad I say mean things and tend to hurt feelings. 

And on that note I leave you with a little song.


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