

One Direction has taken over. I'm a 20 year old totally in love with a boyband that is admired mostly by 12 year olds-- sue me.

Ed Sheeran is AMAZING, seriously. His voice is so great and angelic and I wish it was a scented candle sometimes because that's how much I love his voice AH

I don't know why I haven't had the same amount of dedication to write here as before, oh well. I'll give it a go though. To begin with-- everything is the same as it was last time with the exception that I go back to school next month. This time around I'm actually sure that I'll get that semester that I've always looked forward to have, but didn't. This time around none of the guy crap because I am so over guys right now and frankly all they give you is headaches. I'm even going to double my credits so that I'll always be busy doing something because these past semesters I've been slacking. Not in the sense that I've gotten bad grades-- my grades are great, but it's just that I've always left room in my schedule for guys and going out, but not anymore. These next three months are going to be dedicated solely to school related things and the occasional outing with my friends AND THE FALL OUT BOY CONCERT IN JUNE AH AND THEN ECUADOR IN AUGUST AND THE ONE DIRECTION 3D MOVIE HOLY CRAP SO MANY THINGS TO LOOK FORWARD TO

Sometimes I just sit back and realize how truly blessed I am to have the things I have. Not much, but it's enough to make me happy. 

Some of those are little things like listening to a new song, discovering new music, learning the lyrics to a song, getting through a hard workout, laughing until my stomach hurts, watching a great movie, reading a great book-- all those little things add up to the amount of happiness that I have found in my life. I really have no need to worry about stupid things that taint this happiness I feel in my life right now.
At the start of the new year I mad a promise to myself that I would keep calm in terms of getting feelings for a guy. And I really do intend to keep that promise...thing is I kinda fell off that bandwagon with the return of this guy, but there's nothing coming out of it so might as well forget it, keep my head up, and keep walking on before I really end up becoming an emotional mess like last semester. 

One day I'm going to look back to all of this unnecessary drama I created for myself and laugh at how stupid I was. 

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