
July 31st

My love for Harry Potter burns with the intensity of one thousand suns. My childhood would be nothing without the series. Random thought. Moving on.

I've been so lazy lately. I haven't had the motivation to write here. The evil voice in the head goes, "who cares about what you write?" I wish that voice would leave. Even if no one ends up reading what I write, this is for me to look back on. Writing here is like working out. You don't want to because it "wastes" your time and frankly some days you don't want to do anything. BUT once you get writing/working out...IT'S LIKE BAM! You realize that you did good in choosing to do it.

Ugh, that reminds me. I start phase two of my workout regimen tomorrow. Insanity is split in two phases. The first phase is hard, but once you get used to it it's not that bad but sometimes it does get repetitive and you may tend to get bored. Phase 1 workouts are usually 45 minutes long- except for Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs; that's almost an hour. Phase 2 workouts are an hour long. A full hour of sweating and pushing my limits. Oh boy.

So today at church I was asked to translate a spanish speaking sister's talk. I was sitting in my pew all ready for sacrament meeting to start then a member of the bishopric asks me to do this. At first I was very unsure. I don't have THAT much experience. But I sucked it up and did it. It was nice getting compliments for my translation skills. :)

I'm hungry.

32 days till the Panic At The Disco concert! <3


This week I've had no motivation for my usual routine. It's too hot to do anything.

bye for now.

It's been a while...

It has been a while since I posted something here. Not a long while, but a while. So what's been going on? Well, I've spend the last 6 days catching up on harry potter related things. I've re watched all the movies and everything for the release of the final chapter of this Friday. Sadly, I am not up to attend the midnight showing cause by midnight, I am a sleeping log. Besides, it's going to be soooo hectic with HP fans and crazed fans being there, so I am going on Saturday instead.

I've been feeling icky lately, I don't know why really. Actually, I kinda do.
I feel like this summer is boring for me. I feel like I am wasting it. This is my daily schedule.
-wake up
-eat breakfast
-watch tv
-listen to music
-go to bed
-rinse and repeat
It's not like this everyday, sometimes I'll go to the pool, I'll read, I'll facebook stalk...but it's getting overbearingly dull. All of this. ugh.

Yet again I will state how much I can't wait for college.

But then again, that excitement is wearing out. I am actually starting to fear that day, the day when I leave my family for 3 1/2 months. It's a big step I am taking and sometimes I am not so sure I can do it.  This is going by so fast, this stage in my life. It seems like just yesterday I was entering high school as a freshmen, worrying about high school bullies and if they really did exist in my school. I worried about how I would be able to deal with homework, with teachers. I dreamed about prom, about graduation. I dreamed about that one special guy that I would devote myself to. I didn't expect my first heartbreak. So many of these events have come and gone; all of them and now, it just hit me as I am sitting down typing this. Life is way too short. It goes by way too fast. 
Hopefully I will be able to adapt to this change, but there are so many things I am worried about. Will my roommates tolerate me? Will I be accepted by my peers the way I really am? Will I be the same person I was in high school? I ask for strength to face my fears. To have the strength to tell my peers who I really am. 
All these years I have felt out of place and living a double life. No one outside of my family and my closest friends really know who I am. 

Very few know what it's like to be like me.

Excuse my not so cheerful post.
But then again, even the happiest of people are down sometimes.

A Hopeless Romantic

I was viewing my blog because after all, it's a beautiful masterpiece. Anyway, as I was scrolling and re-reading my ridiculous posts, The Power of Love by Celine Dion came on my playlist here. The one that automatically plays when you visit this page? Yeah. Anyway, I thought about how much I love that song and how awkward it must be if someone's reading my nonsense and that song goes on. HA, oh well. 

Then I thought about how much of a hopeless romantic I am. According to
A hopeless romantic is not the same as a hopeless flirter. A hopeless romantic dreams of who they will spend the rest of their life with and what the two of them will do together. They want to be romanced with sweet simple things and the thoughtful amazing surprises. They dream of being loved but also loving somebody. They don't just want somebody to hold them, they also want to hold someone. They realize that love isn't just about one person but both people. they are hopelessly in love with being loved AND loving back.
Best definition ever!

I just needed to do that, to make myself feel a little better with all that's going on. 



Not really in the mood to do anything. I'm super pissed off, VERY.
Seriously, she should have told me sooner and now she expects me to just drop everything I'm doing to do that. Boy, I really need to go to college to avoid these types of situations. And then yesterday, I really don't understand why. After all that has happened, NO. This is not good AT ALL. The same cycle will repeat again and tears and anger will fly everywhere and I'll have to clean them up the best I can. I told you so, but you NEVER listen to what I tell you.

Fourth of July

Happy 4th of July everyone! I'm not American, but I am so thankful for living in a country with so much opportunity, freedom, and diversity. I'm part American considering I've been in this country so many years and have been 100% Americanized.

Right now I'm preparing to go to a family BBQ. That should be fun, it always is. Everyone is so funny, I guess that's where I got my funny genes.

Flights, airplanes, and a cat

I don't really know what I want to write about today. Oh wait, I did (well my mom did) pay for my college tuition and health insurance. It ended up being around $2000 for the 1st semester. Not really that bad compared to other college tuition which is like $45000. I am so blessed to be attending this school where people are so dedicated with providing the youth with higher education that would allow them to strengthen their testimonies and grow closer with the Lord through the spirit that is felt there. So thanks to those that pay tithing that goes to helping lower the cost of attending BYU-Idaho!
I also looked into plane tickets. Here's a summary of my plans via FB message chain between my travel buddy Alida.
This is for the 6th of September. The plane (Jet Blue) departs JFK 08:40 PM and arrives 11:57 PM the same day. The price is $169/per person. This is for a direct flight, for us since we're not returning. For the round trip for our moms its the same time and same price. $169/person. Departs the 6th @ 08:40PM and arrives in salt lake city @11:57PM the same day. For return, the 8th of September, our moms take the shuttle back to salt lake airport and depart for JFK @ 11:30PM and arrive @5:46AM the 9th of September. Since we'll be arriving the 6th at night, we'll take the shuttle, it's a 4 hr ride so by the time we get to Idaho it'll be morning and we can go get breakfast or something. Since we'll have all of the 7th to shop, ect. My mom wants to go to the salt lake temple and if you guys are up for it, do some baptisms for the dead. So bring your temple recommendations just in case! also, doesn't your mom want to go to the temple too? Then we'll stay the night the 7th at a hotel/motel for 1 night or at my mom's friends sons house if they agree. Then we go to get connected on the 8th. Move in starts at 8am. We get settled and stuff and then meet up and go to the other activities with our moms. Then they leave to get to the shuttle and then 4 hrs later board and return to NY. Call me as soon as you finish reading this. We should buy our tickets tonight before the price rises again, so call me and we'll buy at the exact same time so we get the same flights. Actually, round trip is $359.40 total with taxes. And for direct (for us) its $179.70 with taxes.

My plans are pretty set in my mind, hopefully they happen and nothing goes wrong!
I'm actually sort of freaked out about flying. I haven't flown since I was 6 years old. 
<--- This is the plane I will most likely be flying. 
<--- Apparently the airline (Jet Blue) I will be taking has this! Now I kinda feel better about flying. 
 <--- YES! I did research the snack options available on the plane. There's nothing worse than dying of hunger! I'm a happy camper now. 

 <--- Hopefully we'll be able to visit the SLC temple! I've always wanted to go. 

 Anyway, I really have nothing else to add to this SO I'll leave you with a video of a cat and it's owner playing peek-a-boo. It's actually pretty cute! Like seriously SO cute you'll die of cuteness overload. 


"Would you marry someone that wasn't Mormon?"

I don't really feel good today. I have a headache, my back sorta kinda hurts, and I feel mad for no reason.
I went shopping with my mom and sister at TJ Maxx this afternoon. Usually girls my age hate doing such a thing because moms usually tend to be embarrassing and dragging your little 10 year old sister can be overwhelming. BUT NOT ME! I love shopping with my mom, I'm a mommy's girl I guess. I take everything my mom advices to heart. She's always right about everything. I secretly think she's magical.
As we were shopping, we saw a sale for suitcases. She turns to me and says, "let's buy these next week, for college!" I look at them and think, "How in the world am I going to fit all of my clothes in there? I also have shoes and a whole other wardrobe for church!"

Since I babysat yesterday night, I made sixty dollars. My mom told me to deposit it in my account. I already have like 930 in there, more than enough for my personal expenses my first semester. I bought a sundress, a bathing suit, and another "not so sundressy" dress. That's the thing. It is so hard shopping and buying something that is modest. While buying these items all I had in mind was, "will I be able to wear this in college?" Of course it's too cold to wear a bathing suit in Idaho, but the two dresses are modest so I'm good.

 moving on...

Isn't crazy how a person's simplest action can make you smile like crazy and brighten your mood tremendously? That's what's been happening all week, actually since I met this person. It has been random smiles all over. This had me thinking about the list Sis. Perkins had us write when I was a Miamaid. A list of the qualities we want in our future spouse and just not in a boyfriend. An eternal companion, someone you would be with for all eternity.
Then yesterday, while I was hanging out with my best friend Tiffany, while watching Four Weddings on TLC- she asked me if I would ever marry someone outside my religion. Of course my first reaction was "NO WAY". I didn't scream it out or anything, so don't see me as a loud, rude, teenager ok? Good.
I mean of course I want to marry in my religion. I want a returned missionary and I want a temple wedding. I want to be with my spouse forever, just not until I die. It's the concept of all eternity that she doesn't get. It's eternity, there's really nothing else more to it. FOREVER <3.
Reading my patriarchal blessing makes me want to get married with another fellow Mormon even more. I am promised a space in the Celestial Kingdom with him. An amazing, beautiful family of my own.
THAT is what I want, a family of my own. I really don't know how to describe it. It is all I have ever wanted and I can't wait till someday I get what I always have wanted. Baby steps first right? I AM attending a school in the fall nicknamed BYU-I-DO after all! ;)
If I don't get married once I finish my 4 years at BYUI, I'm going to get my masters at BYU or some other graduate school with a Child Counseling sort of program. If I do get married, my family is my main priority then who knows, later on I can get my masters. The prophets have said that a woman's main goal should be a family of their own, but people keep telling me here and there that my education should be my main priority. At this point, my education is my main priority. It's in the Lord's hands. If He wants me to marry, sure. If not, there's still time. I don't have to get married right after college. Like I said, it's in the Lord's hands. Whatever He wants to happen, I'll be happy to do. :)

So back to my list of qualities. You ready?
Actually, I won't post all of them here. Just a few I think are very important.

1. He has to have an amazing sense of humor. Like seriously, if a guy can't make me laugh, I'll be bored. I love to laugh. I LOL all the time!
2. If the guy doesn't have patience with me and the things I do, that's a problem.
3. If he's jealous all the time, that means he has no trust in me. If a guy doesn't trust me, why should I trust him?
4. I am a hopeless romantic type so a romantic guy would be nice. Just not TOO romantic that it turns too corny. An occasional note that says something cute like "I love you" or something short, sweet, and simple is perfect!

I should stop now and not give too many things away. Who knows, my future spouse might be reading this! That'd be weird right? Like some random dude from like, I don't know, England or something. Hahahaha, I highly doubt it, but you never know!

I haven't met anyone yet that I see myself spending all eternity with. A couple crushes here and there, but that's it. Nothing serious or anything. But that's what college is for, right?
HAHA, not really, but maybe!
This is a perfect video because after all, I haven't met my future spouse yet.

I bet you're laughing or shaking your head or something to show your disapproval. I'm 18, unemployed, not yet in college, and thinking about marriage? Maybe because I have a broken family I'm so excited to have the type of family that I always wanted as a kid.

As Mormon gals, we should always be thinking about our eternal future companion. Cause when the time does come, you won't know what to look for.

Well, that's my opinion anyway. Then there's the whole deal about love at first sight.

That's a different story, but it leads to the same outcome....

Your own eternal family.

Gordon B. Hinckley, one of my favorite prophets once said a quote I will leave you with to ponder about and to realize I am really not crazy for thinking about marriage.
"Aim high, but do not aim so high that you totally miss the target. What really matters is that he will love you, that he will respect you, that he will honor you, that he will be absolutely true to you, that he will give you the freedom of expression and let you fly in the development of your own talents. He is not going to be perfect, but if he is kind and thoughtful, if he knows how to work and earn a living, if he is honest and full of faith, the chances are you will not go wrong, that you will be immensely happy."




In 8th grade my english teacher told everyone that saying this phrase, "bunny,bunny,bunny" gives you good luck for the entire month. You say it at the start of every month! Don't believe in that sort of thing? Are you the kind of person that believes in hard earned luck and making your own luck in this world? Well, do this anyway. For the fun of it at least.
So today was pretty weird. I was photographed by The Journal News. Now, it really wasn't that big of a deal as I thought it was. At least I was with my friend Bella so it wasn't so bad. I hope the pictures turn out good. The last thing I need is a horrible picture of me circulating the entire town. That's the thing about pictures. When I take them myself, they're not bad and I look pretty good. When other people take them, it's a disaster. Anyway, moving on.
I really can't believe that I'm going to college with my friend Alida. I only met her through the freshmen group on facebook, but I feel as if she's my long lost twin or something. Have you ever had that feeling? You talk to someone you just met and feel as if you've known them forever? It could really just mean I must have met her in the pre-mortal realm. No wonder our moms hit it off so well yesterday. Our families must have been neighbors or something.
Come September and I will be super excited like non stop all the time. I will be laughing at the stupidest things (oh wait, I already do that), hyperactive, and really really annoying because all I will ever talk about the days leading up to September are the following:
1.) Meeting Alida
2.) Spending a couple days with Alida
3.) Being in the city
4.) Going to Panic! At The Disco with Alida
5.) Stalking the band until they agree to give us each a hug, a picture, and an autograph 
6.) Flying to Idaho with Alida, her mom, and my mom
8.) Meeting the people from the freshmen group 
People say I'm obsessed. :)

I'm on my 5th day of Insanity. That workout seriously kicks my butt. By the end of each workout, there are literally puddles of sweat. I ask myself each day, "why am I doing this stupid thing!" and the occasional "I hate you Shaun T!". I guess I just want something challenging to do this summer. It's a goal for me to finish the 60 days and actually feel accomplished and able to say I was stupid enough to do and finish Insanity this summer.
Back to the topic of college. I need to vend a little about it.
I spend SO much time with my family that it's going to be so so so hard not being with them. My mom has said to me many times that I'm the backbone of her will to be strong. That doesn't make sense, does it? Lets put it this way, I give my mom strength every day to feel encouraged with life because truthfully, her life ain't so swell. She has to provide for not only my siblings, but she has to keep everything paid for like the electricity, the cable, ect. My dad lives with us, but that's only until they get to an agreement about divorce. It doesn't hurt. I mean I love my dad and all, but the things he does to my mom are stupid. My mom seriously doesn't deserve it. I'm glad my mom is the way she is. Her strength, her courage... it really is inspiring. Anyway, I'm going to miss her. I'm going to miss being her strength, but she has my siblings. As she always says, "You gotta learn to fly eventually."

I'd type more, but I have go pick up my sister at camp. Later, I gotta eat lunch and just chill for a bit. Then we'll see what happens. You've been a great audiance, keep it up!
