
July 31st

My love for Harry Potter burns with the intensity of one thousand suns. My childhood would be nothing without the series. Random thought. Moving on.

I've been so lazy lately. I haven't had the motivation to write here. The evil voice in the head goes, "who cares about what you write?" I wish that voice would leave. Even if no one ends up reading what I write, this is for me to look back on. Writing here is like working out. You don't want to because it "wastes" your time and frankly some days you don't want to do anything. BUT once you get writing/working out...IT'S LIKE BAM! You realize that you did good in choosing to do it.

Ugh, that reminds me. I start phase two of my workout regimen tomorrow. Insanity is split in two phases. The first phase is hard, but once you get used to it it's not that bad but sometimes it does get repetitive and you may tend to get bored. Phase 1 workouts are usually 45 minutes long- except for Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs; that's almost an hour. Phase 2 workouts are an hour long. A full hour of sweating and pushing my limits. Oh boy.

So today at church I was asked to translate a spanish speaking sister's talk. I was sitting in my pew all ready for sacrament meeting to start then a member of the bishopric asks me to do this. At first I was very unsure. I don't have THAT much experience. But I sucked it up and did it. It was nice getting compliments for my translation skills. :)

I'm hungry.

32 days till the Panic At The Disco concert! <3

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