
"Would you marry someone that wasn't Mormon?"

I don't really feel good today. I have a headache, my back sorta kinda hurts, and I feel mad for no reason.
I went shopping with my mom and sister at TJ Maxx this afternoon. Usually girls my age hate doing such a thing because moms usually tend to be embarrassing and dragging your little 10 year old sister can be overwhelming. BUT NOT ME! I love shopping with my mom, I'm a mommy's girl I guess. I take everything my mom advices to heart. She's always right about everything. I secretly think she's magical.
As we were shopping, we saw a sale for suitcases. She turns to me and says, "let's buy these next week, for college!" I look at them and think, "How in the world am I going to fit all of my clothes in there? I also have shoes and a whole other wardrobe for church!"

Since I babysat yesterday night, I made sixty dollars. My mom told me to deposit it in my account. I already have like 930 in there, more than enough for my personal expenses my first semester. I bought a sundress, a bathing suit, and another "not so sundressy" dress. That's the thing. It is so hard shopping and buying something that is modest. While buying these items all I had in mind was, "will I be able to wear this in college?" Of course it's too cold to wear a bathing suit in Idaho, but the two dresses are modest so I'm good.

 moving on...

Isn't crazy how a person's simplest action can make you smile like crazy and brighten your mood tremendously? That's what's been happening all week, actually since I met this person. It has been random smiles all over. This had me thinking about the list Sis. Perkins had us write when I was a Miamaid. A list of the qualities we want in our future spouse and just not in a boyfriend. An eternal companion, someone you would be with for all eternity.
Then yesterday, while I was hanging out with my best friend Tiffany, while watching Four Weddings on TLC- she asked me if I would ever marry someone outside my religion. Of course my first reaction was "NO WAY". I didn't scream it out or anything, so don't see me as a loud, rude, teenager ok? Good.
I mean of course I want to marry in my religion. I want a returned missionary and I want a temple wedding. I want to be with my spouse forever, just not until I die. It's the concept of all eternity that she doesn't get. It's eternity, there's really nothing else more to it. FOREVER <3.
Reading my patriarchal blessing makes me want to get married with another fellow Mormon even more. I am promised a space in the Celestial Kingdom with him. An amazing, beautiful family of my own.
THAT is what I want, a family of my own. I really don't know how to describe it. It is all I have ever wanted and I can't wait till someday I get what I always have wanted. Baby steps first right? I AM attending a school in the fall nicknamed BYU-I-DO after all! ;)
If I don't get married once I finish my 4 years at BYUI, I'm going to get my masters at BYU or some other graduate school with a Child Counseling sort of program. If I do get married, my family is my main priority then who knows, later on I can get my masters. The prophets have said that a woman's main goal should be a family of their own, but people keep telling me here and there that my education should be my main priority. At this point, my education is my main priority. It's in the Lord's hands. If He wants me to marry, sure. If not, there's still time. I don't have to get married right after college. Like I said, it's in the Lord's hands. Whatever He wants to happen, I'll be happy to do. :)

So back to my list of qualities. You ready?
Actually, I won't post all of them here. Just a few I think are very important.

1. He has to have an amazing sense of humor. Like seriously, if a guy can't make me laugh, I'll be bored. I love to laugh. I LOL all the time!
2. If the guy doesn't have patience with me and the things I do, that's a problem.
3. If he's jealous all the time, that means he has no trust in me. If a guy doesn't trust me, why should I trust him?
4. I am a hopeless romantic type so a romantic guy would be nice. Just not TOO romantic that it turns too corny. An occasional note that says something cute like "I love you" or something short, sweet, and simple is perfect!

I should stop now and not give too many things away. Who knows, my future spouse might be reading this! That'd be weird right? Like some random dude from like, I don't know, England or something. Hahahaha, I highly doubt it, but you never know!

I haven't met anyone yet that I see myself spending all eternity with. A couple crushes here and there, but that's it. Nothing serious or anything. But that's what college is for, right?
HAHA, not really, but maybe!
This is a perfect video because after all, I haven't met my future spouse yet.

I bet you're laughing or shaking your head or something to show your disapproval. I'm 18, unemployed, not yet in college, and thinking about marriage? Maybe because I have a broken family I'm so excited to have the type of family that I always wanted as a kid.

As Mormon gals, we should always be thinking about our eternal future companion. Cause when the time does come, you won't know what to look for.

Well, that's my opinion anyway. Then there's the whole deal about love at first sight.

That's a different story, but it leads to the same outcome....

Your own eternal family.

Gordon B. Hinckley, one of my favorite prophets once said a quote I will leave you with to ponder about and to realize I am really not crazy for thinking about marriage.
"Aim high, but do not aim so high that you totally miss the target. What really matters is that he will love you, that he will respect you, that he will honor you, that he will be absolutely true to you, that he will give you the freedom of expression and let you fly in the development of your own talents. He is not going to be perfect, but if he is kind and thoughtful, if he knows how to work and earn a living, if he is honest and full of faith, the chances are you will not go wrong, that you will be immensely happy."


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