
Oreos, promptings, lots of thinking, homesickness

First off, I need to stop eating unhealthy. Oreos and a banana colada for lunch is not good.
Doing all this Insanity is useless if I keep on eating like a guy.

Last night I had an XXL chulupa from Taco Bell.
Uhhhh, super healthy right?

On a brighter note, I had a pretty cool experience this morning.

I went to bed pretty late last night. Not a good idea considering me having class early in the morning. I was so tempted to skip my child development class and sleep in. I had all these thoughts in my head telling me that I could still catch up even with the class since the teacher puts the lesson on I learn. I agreed with myself to skip and cozied up in my covers and my teddy bear. "Screw this, I need to sleep". AS soon as I said these words, the song "Choose The Right" came to mind. I immediately got up, like it was an automatic response to the song. Then I went to my 7:45 class, not tired at all and actually feeling pretty good compared to last night; where I felt like dying (sort of).

I spent like practically all of English class today thinking about things and how they're going.
It made me wish to be little again and carefree about life and not worrying about things.
But this is college, I seriously gotta grow up.
And it starts with letting it happen. In time, my feelings will change and I won't have to constantly worry about whether or not I'm making the right choices.
Sometimes I ask myself why Heavenly Father takes forever to answer prayers. Maybe he wants me to figure this out on my own THEN he'll tell me? I really gotta learn to trust in myself and the decisions I make. All this doubting, like my mom said, is probably Satan's way of trying to pull me away from something that will be life changing.

I really want that answer to my prayer. I will know it was answered when my heart bursts of emotion. Then it'll be ok, I'll be ok.

All that thinking led to me missing home.
Where my mom was there to talk to. I mean the phone is alright and all, but I really do miss a good cry in my mom's arms. I miss talking to her about everything on my mind. I miss her jokes, I miss her hugs, I miss her constantly telling me how much of a messy person I am.

I miss my sister.
I miss my brother.
I miss my children.

I really feel like a depressed person today.
I need a good cry.
I really do.

Right after my workout.

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