
This Is The Title.

It's been a while. A long while. Here's a recap of the most exciting things that have happened so far. Read it, be mesmerized. (or not, whatever)
General Conference in Utah
I am so glad I was able to go hear the prophet and his apostles speak on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. Actually hearing them speak was a confirmation to me that they are faithful and true servants of the Lord and that there is a true prophet here on Earth. What made it even better was going with some pretty cool people. Elisabeth, my roommate and Cainan, my American Foundations buddy/twin (apparently we have like everything in common, pretty cool stuff!) It was awesome spending time with them, it really was. Especially Cainan. He's one interesting individual that I'm happy I got to spend time with during our waiting for the afternoon session. Hahaha, if he actually gets to read this for some reason, well, hi :)
I took like 3 tests that week after conference. One for my american foundations class, one for my child development class, and one for my science foundations class. The only one I did DECENT at was my child development test; an 84. The other two I got a 76. Bleh. I really need to step it up if I want an "A" gpa. THe thing is I can't bring myself to actually sit down and study. In some cases sure, but most of the time I get distracted VERY EASILY.
On other news
I told myself before coming to college that I wouldn't let a guy distract me. That I wouldn't become mesmerized by him. That I wouldn't let myself become attached. But alas, it has happened yet again. It's pretty cool though, it's been a while.

One thing that I do have to get out of my mind is that I'm DREADING and FEARING the end of this semester. It's October, yeah, but you know what they say. Time Flies when you're having fun. AND THAT IS SO TRUE!

Well, that's pretty much it. Nothing TOO exciting. Maybe some things...hahaha.

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