
Brain, this is not cool so stop. No boys... so get this one out of your mind.
But, I always wondered...what if.
Anyway, there's no harm in flirting as long as no further feelings develop right? I really am trying so hard to give myself a break from relationships and liking someone, but nooooo. The inner hopeless romantic in me is like running wild.

Chill out Jess. Seriously.
I guess I'm taking this whole "search for your companion" phrase from my blessing too literally.
But I can't not think about it.
I'm seriously going to go crazy.

Ehh, whatever.
I'm just not going to care about not caring about relationships.
I'll think about it, just not put it into action. THERE.

Now back to listening to Elvis Crespo.
Good Night and buenas noches!

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