
Sometimes I just wanna whack him in the head

I seriously almost died of anger today. I felt like I just wanted to take my things and leave. I raised my voice, I threatened to bring him to the office, I bribed him--nothing worked! This kid called me an "underwear face" even. And a jerk. I seriously was so close to wacking him in the head, but luckily I stopped myself. That wouldn't be good at all, if I got fired for child abuse :P
Also, Ryan (that's his name) told me how he hates his mom. He told me how he wanted to hit and punch her in the face. This kid is 4 years old. Seriously, this kid is going to have problems if he doesn't clean up his act.

My patience is wearing out with this kid.
"Breathe, breathe, breathe"

If I'm going to work with kids, my patience has to be at its highest.

That's another thing; my major, my career plans.
I don't know exactly what I wanna do. I'm considering being a preschool teacher, but with my experience with this kid and the constant headaches- ehh. We'll see. Everything will fall into place.

I seriously can't wait till spring semester. It's gonna be awesome.
Same ward as fall semester since I'll be in Mountain Pines with Annka. Oh well.
New people=new RMs=happy me.
ANNNNND fall semester gets better since I'll be rooming with the best roommate in history.
My favorite New Yorker Liz :)
And I'll see my favorite people; like Luna.

Instead of worrying about stupid guys that give you endless headaches, I'm going to enjoy myself.
I'm gonna play....hmmm what's the word?
Someone worth fighting for. And it's going to be quite a challenge, mwahaha!

But that's what I want. As corny and dreamlike as it sounds; I want to be "wooed"
I want to be chased for once. Maybe by that, my future romances won't turn out like shambles.
For now, who cares about guys.

I started reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish last week. I actually understand it better than reading it in English. Weird. Here I was, trying to be as American as possible. Speaking english, reading it, listening to it...rejecting my roots and my language. Now I find myself listening to spanish music, reading spanish, even dancing it! I really love it. I even attend the spanish sunday school at church and it's actually better than the ones I've been so accustomed to attending. I'll miss that when I go back to school.

But that's life.
Gotta take it as it comes and sit back and accept it. Because there's always a reason.

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