

Whenever my mom is mad, she always gets mad at me for not putting dishes away and washing them. I really hate that. And then she starts complaining how I never do anything around the house and am lazy. First of all, I work all week. The weekends are the only times I have off. I have the right to be lazy at least once a week and not get accused for doing something I usually always do, but not doing for once. I'm not the freaking maid ya know. Just because I'm the oldest doesn't mean that I should be the one to wash dishes and clean. This is house is overflowing with sexism. AND WHY IN THE WORLD IS THE HEATER TURNED ALL THE WAY UP, I'M DYING OVER HERE. We're not in the Arctic, geez.

I've been nice to Sebastian and stuff. I invited him to the last dance ok. But don't expect me to be the miracle worker and fix his social life. I introduced him to my friends, I'm nice to him but stop expecting me to do everything for him. He has to start fending on his own or he'll never learn. That's how I learned and I'm fine. I made it on my own practically my whole life.

I really want to go back to Rexburg. I really don't like it here. It was nice at first and I have my moments where I'm happy I'm home, but a majority of the time it's always a pain in my head whenever I'm here. I'm accused for this, I'm blamed for that, I get screamed at, blahhhh blahhhh argghghghghghggggh!

DUDE, I just got the most intense inbox in the history of all inboxes. I'm LOLing so hard right now cause I would never in a million years expect that. Especially not them. Two people that have changed my life. Like whoa. But of course, it all depends on her definition of it though.  But seriously?

On a brighter note, I decided to start reading the Twilight series again. It's actually not that bad. I don't see why people make such a big deal. It's just a love story. A love story I want. Of course, I'm never going to find a romantic vampire in my life, but someone like that. With that great amount of passion for someone and that desire to keep them safe and happy and just the thought of losing them pains them. Ahh, I could only wait patiently.

On an even brighter BRIGHTER note, I currently have $738 saved up for college next semester. And I still have more paychecks to be deposited in my account.

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