
Back to the good ol' west

I'm back to the west again! It definitely is a weird feeling. My break was so long I just can't get over the idea that I'm not going back home till July. Leaving my family was not that hard this time around, but for my mom--she started crying and saying how she's not seeing me until July and she's going to miss me. It must be hard seeing your child leave your side--with no idea whatsoever what they're up to on a daily basis.

For my little sister--she put her brave face on. She knew where I was going and what I'm going to do. She knows I'll eventually come back again.I really love her. She even let me take her One Direction poster (which took a lot of last minute convincing to get her to let me bring it), but she surrendered.
I'm definitely excited about this semester. I'm taking pretty awesome classes too! (except for math, that subject is still gruesome). I brought a ton of pictures to put on my wall. Like a collage. And I brought my Jesus Christ portrait and my Manhattan Temple picture to hang up. And Adrian actually surprised me by giving me a collection of pictures of temples. Yay!
I've been communicating with my would be roommates for this semester. They seem pretty fun. I hope we all get along great--that would make the semester very enjoyable.
How could I forget to bring my Zumba DVD set? I didn't that's for sure. I can't wait to continue with my Zumba while in school and hopefully my roommates want to do it too eventually. It seriously is so much fun! More fun and enjoyable if you're doing it with a bunch of people too! I brought up the idea to Stephanie and she seemed up for it. I hope it works out.

Staying overnight at the airport was so boring. I found a seat on the bottom level near the baggage claim area and stayed there for the remainder of the night and right now, as I type this until Kaydee's plane lands. We're taking the shuttle to Rexburg. Ugh, another long ride. At least I'll have company.
Sleeping here was hard to do. I can't sit in one place for very long because then, everything starts aching. So I think I got a total of two hours of sleep at the airport. And I feel pretty awake! And nothing went wrong! Hallelujah!

So turns out I have to pick up a box of returned things I bought for a specific someone. It would have been nice if he kept them, but he returned them. As in trying to erase any reminder of me? Well, what he gave me I accidently gave away to charity so I guess its fair? Oh well. A free comfy blanket for me! :D

Well, sadly I didn't really take any pictures of my airport "adventure". There really wasn't anything adventurous about it really. But I did snap these.

At the SLC airport. I would have made this portrait more fun, but try to be fun with 2 hours of sleep no matter how awake you feel. My hair's a mess.

 Then I took these before leaving JFK  Airport in New York.

Before going into security. My mom was like "take a picture girls!" So we did. I miss her already.

Then my mom wanted to take one of us together.    

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