Pages's practically here (again!)

This long break has come...and gone. I remember the feeling of excitement I had coming home from fall semester. I still remember the feeling I had during my journey to Rexburg. I remember how much fun I had with my friends, even if fun meant sitting on the couch and watching movies on netflix.  Now, it's that time again. A new semester. A new semester with new roommates, new classes, new faces, new guys to gaze dreamily at (i joke, i joke), and new experiences. I really hope being able to become as close to my roommates as last semester because it made my first semester bearable. I enjoyed myself so much with my roommates that I forgot to feel homesick. See, that's the thing about me. I am SUCH a family loving person and ever since I could remember-- I've always had separation issues. I hope that feeling of homesickness doesn't present itself. Hopefully the feeling decides to stay clear.

These past few weeks I have had my own personal revelation. Not "pillar of light and an angel" type, but of thought I guess I can put it. One day, during fast and testimony meeting, it just hit me. What are you doing with your life? That really got me to think about every single bad decision I've made in my life. I thought about how those bad decisions were separating me from my path; my path of life that I wanted to follow and had set for myself. This path includes marrying an RM, temple marriage, kids- basically the whole package and Mormon cliche. I realized that my future family was SO MUCH more important to me than the horrible habits that I was forming. So to the repentance process I went and boy, it was hard! But so worth it in the end and /i feel like I am free from the chain that gripped me for so long.
I took to reading the book The Miracle Of Forgiveness and it is absolutely mind changing. Not only has my whole outlook on the atonement changed, but everything else. My way of making decisions, my way of seeing myself---EVERYTHING. Now I feel like I can finally, FINALLY have that total sense of peace and joy I've wanted for so long. I love the gospel!

"All sins but those excepted by the Lord---basically, the sin against the Holy Ghost, and murder---will be forgiven to those who totally, consistently, and continuously repent in a genuine and comprehensive transformation of life... This earth life is the time to repent. We cannot afford to take any chances of dying an enemy to God."

Back on task, spring semester.
So excited for my classes. I'm taking a 3 hour marriage class on Wednesday afternoons. This is the class I am looking forward to the most. NO, not to come out of that class getting married, but to figure out the reasons and learn more about what I can do to understand my family situation better.

Anywho, I need to get on packing soon or I'm going to end up forgetting something.
Which would suck.

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