
Lord give me patience!

People I went to high school with are getting married and it's super weird because I grew up with them and watched them do stupid stuff and then all of a sudden this happens. Stop, you're still a child. 

I really don't get why people are getting married everywhere all of a sudden- is the universe just trying to piss me off or something? Ahahaha yeah so funny you sure got me. Fine, everyone just get married, I'll just get another cat see if I care! Which by the way is a huge possibility anyway since this guy who's moving away is giving us a cat if we want her. Hopefully it works out :)

Anywho, I should be sleeping because my first day at my internship is tomorrow. How do I feel you may ask? Nervous. Excited. But mostly just nervous. Ahdhjgdhjncxbh! 

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