
Endorphin Highs

SO great, like seriously.
If I could, without overexertion, I'd run all day.

Every step is like I'm stepping over all the issues that unfortunately, life brings.
And with every mile run, the higher the high I feel; like I can do anything and have the greatest strength ever.
And with my totally amazing running playlist, even better.

That was the last time I cry over a guy, a friend, even my own frustrations with myself.
The LAST time.
Cause I'm not going to let depression control my life and most importantly, I'm not going to let others bring me to that state. And I accept the fact that not everyone is going to like be. Well, forget them. Cause I don't care about those that don't. Gotta be grateful for those that do and that despite all the mistakes I make and the foolish things I say sometimes and the way that I am overall--- they still love me.
And that is all I need to be happy.
Forget trying to force someone into my life or to waste my time just merely hoping that they come into my life and stay.

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