
I'm married to the music

This song just melts my heart and makes me wanna cry with happiness because it's just so beautiful and I absolutely love it.

And this one too! Especially when the chorus comes on, like wow. 

I seriously love music-- so much. There's music for everything. For every mood, music to describe your situations, to describe you life. And music for me is the most powerful because it affects my mood. These songs above for example, like wow. I discovered them today and it's amazing what an amazing and powerful effect they play out on me. And singing to these songs is just so empowering because to me it feels that by singing these is like talking to the people that I so dearly want to be able to communicate these words with. 

I've grown to really love and appreciate spanish music; the oldies as well as the modern stuff. The spanish language overall is just so beautiful- especially when in music. 

My mom introduced this song to me one night. We sat on my bed and just listened to music from her time, music that apparently to her had sentimental ties to them. Like this one. I fell in love with it at that moment and set out to memorize the lyrics. So beautiful. 

I'm not a big of mariachi music because it gets annoying sometimes, but he's one of my favorites. 

Don't tell me this sing isn't the most truthful song ever? Romance these days has downgraded, like seriously. I'd die if I ever met a guy like this. These types of guys-- the ones that are all about the old fashioned conquering-winning over a girl's heart are my favorite. I definitely want to marry a guy like that-- all traditional and not fazed by the new concepts about love and relationships that the future has developed compared to old times. To me it seems that some guys these days are afraid to appear as the romantic sentimental types. Seriously, love that in a guy. Like, really. 
Seriously, sometimes I think that technology has ruined the beauty of love. Love letters, now there's an idea. 

Absolutely love this! 

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