
Yeah, can I go home now? I've had enough of Rexburg, let's go back

I'm already fed up with this semester, can it be spring semester now?
SERIOUSLY, this is the most disappointing time ever-- I just wanna crawl under a rock and stay in there until everything seems like a distant memory. Until what's constantly clouding my mind no matter how hard I try to get rid it decides to let it go for real. I've tried so hard trying to get rid of everything involved with that point in time, everything, but nooooo, something always triggers everything back to mind. And then my heart hurts; like it's been stabbed repeatedly over and over and the tears of anger and frustration want to come out, but they don't. Because as I see it, it's not worth it feeling like this anymore. Better save my tears.

For the most part, I'm just extremely frustrated with myself.
It shouldn't take this much effort to forget.
It's getting ridiculous that I think so much about it, that it's even flooding my subconscious too, the one place that there are no issues. But no, I can't win. Never. OR my mind is just taking this so seriously it's trying to tell me even through my dreams that I seriously need to let this go before something drastic happens and I end up sick or whatever.

But whhhhhhhhhy, I'm so stupid.
Especially when it comes to things like this.
So unbelievably gullible and such a quick person to believe everything anyone tells me.
Yeah, that's gotta stop.

Let's take a nap, shall we? Even if it's not 9 yet. I rather be in a state of sleep than have to have my mind awake and frustrated. It's not like I have any plans later anyway--everyone is in Utah.
And I'm here--emotionally drowning with each passing day.
What an exciting life I lead, wooooooo!

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