
Cuando cuente tres otra vez, vuelve a salir

Maaaaan, I love this guy.

Can I just say that I seriously love life right now? Yeah sure the whole guy thing was a total fail cause ultimately he just ignores me now and to be honest, I really don't care anymore. I'm not going to care anymore because all in all, I'm not going to go chasing after him or whatever to pay me attention. I mean, if he wants to then it's his choice. If he all of a sudden and for an unknown reason hates me, then kudos to you because that's your problem, not mine. And I'm just fed up, I got fed up waiting on him to iniciate all those plans we had and made for this semester. Well, now that that's over and done with, I feel pretty good and ultimately waaaaay more happier than before. Worrying and overthinking about guys is old. For now, I am strictly going to just focus on improving myself, more specifically being less of a proud person because that's what I've noticed in myself. Plus, also what I've been learning in marriage prep-- it's mindblowing. Like the whole concept on not focusing solely on the list of qualities you want in a spouse, but also making sure that you yourself have those qualities. When both of you have those qualities it makes for a happy relationship.  That's what I'm going to be working on when I say improving myself. And frankly, being single and not focused on having feelings for a guy is so much easier for my mind and my own sanity.

Anyways, moving on. For my family history class, I am seriously so excited! Family history wise my mom has been in a limbo, but now, knowing that I can access information from all those ecuadorian churches that my ancestors have been baptized in, it's going to be easier. And I seriously have the greatest feeling that I am on the right path. I makes me feel so happy because my blessing talks about my involvement with family history and ultimately the relationships I'll build with those ancestors I do work for. I'm so looking forward for those moments where I find names and ultimately do work for my great great grandma whose name I'm going to be on the look out for.

My classes are great, they really are. Not too hard and not too easy either. I love them all.

This semester's going to be great, I can feel it. Buuuuuut spring semester, that's a whole other semester full of anticipated events. Like living with my friend Steph and enjoying a semester together with my brother before he goes on his mission.

Whoa there, slow down life.

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