

Day 3: Your favorite TV program
I don't have one really. I'll watch anything that is interesting to me and looks appealing. If it's good, I'll stay watching. It can range from cartoons to reality shows on VH1 to soap operas that are too overly dramatic to watch. 
Day 4: Your favorite book
Why choose just 1? I have many, but I do have to say that one of my  favorite to read and that I grew up with was this series by this british lady. So specific, right? Anyway, I read them maybe when I was in my early teens--so good. I was about this girl who had the everyday girly problems that a typical teenager had. And I related to them at the time. I was nice getting inside her mind for a while. And her experiences helped me through my awkward years, a stage I'm barely getting out of to this day. Anyway, I remember gushing over the time the guy she liked noticed her, when they made out under that tree, when she realized she forgot to wear a bra and it was raining, so many little insignificant things that I loved reading about. Aside from that book series, I've had other books too. There was Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck--saddest book ever because I could understand what he went through, with always having to be there for Lenny and accepting him for who he was and the things he did. He faced a serious crossroad when he had to choose between what was hard and what was the hardest. Who could forget In Cold Blood-- another of my favorites. Just shows how much karma can suck and come around and bite you in the butt. The Great Gatsby was great too, a real mind bender. Those were among the required books I was forced to read throughout high school. OH WAIT, there was also the book Lord of the Flies. So good. OH, and Catcher in the Rye. Anyway, I read these books in high school. If it wasn't for me being required to read them, I would have missed out on great literature. Then there was reading all those romance novels. I think that's what added to my love for the concept of love. Ah, I miss those days. Those days where I could find an incredibly great gushy romance book and read about what I wanted in my own life someday.

Off track rambling: If you count the number of times I've obsessed over a guy I'd definitely be the richest person ever. It's a tiring thing; not necessarily "obsessing", more like "immensely intrigued". It's childish calling it a crush even though that's what it is, what they all were. At this point, I've spent countless time thinking it over, mainly that whole "crush/chasing/making an effort"  concept and it has literally driven me insane. Maybe someone caused it, maybe not; who knows. But like, I'm done. I'm done trying to find that guy. I feel like I've wasted so much time looking for that one guy that I am promised to. For once, let him find me because I'm fed up with getting into relationships with guys that are temporary. I just want that one guy and I'll be perfectly content with any amount of whirlwind life decides to throw at me. I've had to admit it to myself and have many tell me, that a relationship shouldn't be everything to you. That everything isn't going to be  magically and automatically better once you're in a relationship. I totally understand that, but I am seriously the most hopeless of all hopeless romantics. For me it will. It's like I was made to have someone by my side because then it feels like I'm missing something. Like Plato pointed out how in Greek mythology man was born with another half that completes them, that's how I am. And when people find this out about me; how I'm in love with the whole marriage/love idea; they see me as a marriage obsessed chick, which I'm not. The idea of marriage is so beautiful because it means that you're reunited with your other half. You're reunited with that one person who makes you whole. Marrying them brings you a little bit of heaven because in the premortal life, you were together. So don't say I'm obsessed. Cause I'm not. I see things in a different light. So like I said, I'm done trying to find my other half. I know he's out there and I'll wait till he finally decides it's time to look for me. I know that whole debate thing "Why must the guy do all the work? Blah blah blah" deal, but man was created first, man was created to take charge. It's not sexism, it's the truth. Heavenly Father meant for men to be the protectors and providers of the family so I'm pretty sure that when he said that he also meant the whole "conquest" concept.  But hey, that's just my opinion. It may not be true, it could be the other way around, but for me--I like tradition. Until then, I'll wait around for that one guy who likes tradition too and conquers my heart by the art of wooing. Like in Shakespearean times. When I see this, I'll know I've found my other missing half. For once, let him do all the work.

Day 5: Your favorite quote
Haha, I just literally talked about it with the whole Greek-other-half ramble. But here's another one to end this post. I live by this quote or at least, I'm trying really hard to. 
“You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's actions, not words, that matter.” ― Nicholas Sparks 

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