

Because I'm in a writer's ditch right now, here.
A list of things.

-Things that make your heart run, jump, and twirl in the air
-Those texts from that person you are always happy to hear from and will drop anything you're doing to reply 
-Singing songs that go with your current emotion
-The feel of wind blowing
-Rain, thunderstorms, lightning
-Getting caught in the rain
-Updating my iPod
-Memorizing lyrics to a song
-Holding hands
-Getting hugged from behind
-Morning texts
-Finishing a workout drenched in sweat
-Holding my cat 
-Sleeping with no covers on
-The feeling after a shower
-Roller-coasters and being upside down
-Listening to music you haven't listened to in a long time and still knowing the words to every song
-Love songs
-Scary movies and having someone there to shield you from the scary parts
-Screaming during a scary movie
-Not being able to stop laughing
-The Backstreet Boys
-Having great dreams
-Laying on the grass
-Family outings
-Shark Week
-Great white sharks
-Sundays are dress up days
-Falling asleep on someone's shoulder
-Being held when you feel like you can't 
-Talks with my best friend
-People that care 
-Cold weather
-Watching movies when it's snowing/raining
-Power outages
-Old cartoons
-Guys with muscles
-Guys with a sense of humor
-Bearing my testimony in my home ward
-Ecuadorian food
-Food in general
-Combining all the slurpie flavors at the 7-11
-The feeling after a good cry
-Soreness after a workout
-Ice cold water
-Chewing on ice
-Movie marathons
-Cooking something yummy
-Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco
-Laughing too much it hurts
-When cute missionaries are transferred to my ward
-Finishing a good book

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