
Dia Uno

Day 1 is your favorite song.
But I have so many! How can I possibly choose just one?! It's blasphemy! So I'm just going to share what's currently playing, so much easier than picking just one song. It's impossible to pick just one, it gives me a headache trying to figure one out.

This song brings back so many memories of when I only owned a CD player and made CDs full of mp3 that I downloaded. I'd spend hours listening to those CDs. So much until I finally discovered the iPod. Reminds me of when I started to grow up, to realize that life isn't really what I wanted it to be. Reminds me when music started to become one of the biggest aspects of my life.

Tomorrow is the start of shark week! Woo!
And what better way to kick it off than by going to the aquarium. Yes, I know, it's on a Sunday, but doing something like this once in my life isn't going to kill me. I've never missed church once in my life so I think I'm entitled to a day like this. Don't get me wrong, I love Sundays and I'm all about keeping the Sabbath day sacred so I know right now I'm sounding like a total hypocrite. I know Heavenly Father won't shun me for missing church one day, right?
The last time I went to the aquarium, especially the one we're going to--the NY Aquarium in the city, was when I was 6. I can't wait to go again after so many years. The shark tank is definitely my favorite. Sharks are my favorite. They're so misunderstood solely because of their appearance. They are beautiful creatures. The look of their skin, their jaws, their eyes, and their abilities to be the greatest predators in the sea. At the aquarium I have the ability to observe them, take in their beauty, and thank the Lord for such a beautiful creation. Basically all living things here on Earth are the most beautiful because they were made by the Lord. How can anyone doubt that the Lord was the Creator? Beauty here on Earth couldn't simply have happened just like that. I'm sure science had its part in the Creation, but I know that the Lord was the main one. I really don't understand how some people don't believe in God. Science can't explain everything. And besides, there wouldn't be any science without someone having created all its components first. And that someone is God. Simple. Nothing could have started without Him. 

It's crazy though, how school starts again in a couple weeks. I don't know if I'm ready to go back. Definitely ready to see my girls again that's for sure, but the school stuff? But my courses look so interesting though so it shouldn't be that bad, right? Plus, I have someone willing to help me with my money management class so I'm pretty sure I'll make it out alive this semester. I always do.

On that note, here's a(nother) song I really enjoy.

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