
an era that I wish I was a part of

Day 2: Your favorite movie
Erg, like picking a favorite song, picking a favorite movie is impossible. One of my favorites though has to be the Breakfast Club. Hilarious. Never get tired of watching it. And Judd Nelson is so attractive, ohmygosh. Maybe it's the whole "bad boy" image he has in the movie. I sure do like that bad boy image.

My favorite moments from two favorite 80s movies:

And also, is it just me or are guys from the 80s so much better looking than the guys of today? Yup. And more romantic.

It seems that guys from then were more willing to do more things for the girl that they wanted. With no internet; no facebook, no twitter, no texting- they actually had to get off their butts and do something to get the girl and not rely on technology to do it for them and to not have to actually face her and have something to hide behind. Sometimes I just wish that I lived in that era. Things were so much simpler without all these tech things. It seems that they're replacing good old fashioned wooing. Instead it's world full of misunderstandings, misunderstandings that arise from misinterpreted status updates and emotionless text messages. Where did all the romance go? The 80s definitely had it. I admit, it was an age of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, but guys during that time had more balls than the guys of today. Of course, there are the exceptions. People were more daring and more willing to do something other than just staying home and watching tv. Everything was so simple in terms of technology that one had to actually get up and go look for something to do. No facebook to spend hours on scrolling through the same thing over and over, no texting to spend tons of time obsessing over the real meaning behind a silly text, no tumblr to spend hours laughing over weird things-- I don't know, that's just what I think. I wanna try to stop relying so much on technology in terms of building relationships with others whether it be with friends or whatever. It's so helpful, don't get me wring. Technology is something I'm grateful for, but it's getting in the way of reality. On a daily basis there are people who rely on technology to hide themselves behind. They use technology as something to be able to say things that one wouldn't normally say in real life. It's true, I do that, but I want to stop relying so much on it.

I just love 80s movies too much and maybe they're getting to my head. I just love how simple romance was during that time. Maybe not with the sex and drugs the 80s had, that's for sure.
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe romance was really screwed up and confusing as it is today.  Or maybe I'm not.

I know I'm going to look back on this and laugh at my 19 year old self and how pathetic I was. I'll still be pathetic in the future so makes no difference.

A little 80s on here.
Those blue jeans, ahh snap.

All in all, this makes sense and describes what I'm trying to get across perfectly
Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80’s movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80’s movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life.
Olive; Easy A

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