
Daughters in My Kingdom

This is a book from relief society and I am going to read it if it's the last thing I do.

I need to get my spiritual life back on track,
I can feel my spirit's hunger for the greater spirit, for the greater testimony, for the greater sense of peace.

I read this one part where it said that the Lord wants us, His daughters, to perfect ourselves. Not necessarily perfect, but the best we can be.
I feel as if I've put my spirituality on hold for a while, not living up to where I want to be spiritually.
Regaining that piece will give me the strength and courage to do many things.
I have faith, I know the church is true with all my heart- I just need to give myself a break from everything to in a way "rediscover" my spiritual self. Doing that will allow me the opportunity to better understand what I need in my life.

I've noticed this need lately. I've been in a way depressed I guess. I hate feeling like this, I really do. What's worse is not knowing why.
That's why I need the Gospel's influence and spirit more than ever. In the past, I've put the Lord at the end of my set of priorities and that's what's caused me to feel distant from Him.

This break from school will give me a chance to regain that lost spirituality. This will allow me to come back to school with a greater openness to the Spirit.

On the other hand and other news, Mike and his sister invited me out on Saturday.
It really warms my heart that I have people such as them in my life.
They both care so much about not only me, but others as well. Mike especially. He's been such a blessing in my life, such a great friend since forever ago.

Sometimes I wonder why life is so hard on me. Immigration issues, health problems, family issues, the list really never ends. I really wonder how much more of this I can take.

But as my mom and my blessing says- appreciate life as it comes. All the good moments. All the bad.

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