
Not much, just coughing up a lung

It's truly a mystery to me how I haven't gotten sick while I was at school in freezing weather and now, here I am- in weather that isn't even that cold. I have these sneezes that are so violent and full of force that they sound like coughs- which they are sometimes. Combine a sneeze and cough and you get WWIII. Aside from that I get the random throbbing headaches, the clogged up and sore throat.

Aside from that, I'm pretty content with life.
Great friends, overall good health, I attend an awesome university, I have great friends, a great boyfriend, healthy pets... the only two things I need at the moment is to get over this sickness and the teacher's assistant job I applied for.
I really hope with all my heart I get it. I will do whatever is necessary; hand in my criminal records (clean slate!), recommendations, my left toe, whatever.

One thing I thought about the other day- I need to spend a day just writing here. I want to start writing more detailed entries now that I have the time.

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