
I'm glad Elvis Crespo decided to cut his hair. Now he looks less creepy!


So much better right?
A nice voice like that shouldn't go with creepy long hair. Long hair on guys is so unattractive. Actually, I guess it depends on the guy too. Wait, no. JUST KIDDING. Long hair on a guy =NO.

The type of music he sings is merengue. Catchy, yes?
I now understand why parties growing up were so crazy.

I remember going to parties with my parents. I'd put a dress on, shiny shoes, and on rare occasions my mom would let me put on lipstick. These outings started since I was like 6. We would go to parties that a family member would throw and we would all go. Most of these were thrown in the city. By all I mean EVERYONE. Aunts, uncles, cousins, even family members I didn't even know existed. And this music would go on and everyone would go crazy. Me and my brother would just sit there, watching everyone get crazy and wild. Pretty sure the alcohol played an effect on these crazy hooligans too.
I remember this one time I was sitting there, being really bore and all of a sudden this guy goes up to me and asks me to dance. I freeze. First of all, I had no idea whatsoever how to dance like they did. It was like everyone went to some dance classes in preparation for the party. And second, he was like WHOA. Tall, muscly, attractive, pony tail hanging on the back of his head... I was in shock. Me? Why me?
I saw the girls he danced with- tight dresses, puffy hair, high heels. I saw the way they danced. All sensual and  crazy. The way he looked at them, with so much concern that they don't fall and are enjoying themselves, he was just wow. And to be honest, it looked kinda fun. But me? In some tacky silver heels and some kiddy dress? PLUS, I was only like 10 or 12, I don't really remember. I still remember the way he leaned over, his hand extended- as if saying "may I have this dance?" I was speechless.
Then my dad saw this and said no, I can't dance with him and for the rest of the night I just sat there. Being bored. The only guy I danced with that night was my dad. So lame.
Then my family tore part and these outings were gone. If they were still going on, I'd be having spare feet every weekend and a hot, hispanic, dance partner.

Fast forward to my graduation party.
So my aunt decides to throw me a graduation/going away to college party and I'm like "Haha, just another excuse to get drunk." And I hate attention put on just me. I hate being put in the spotlight, but graciously I accept this and go. And take my best friend with me to make things bearable.
I end up getting forced to dance with ALL the guys that came that night. It would have been great and all, but these were like old guys. Friends of my aunt, my uncle, my mom's cousin, and who knows who else and what relation they had. BUT there was this one guy. In an older guy kinda way, he wasn't so bad. Funny, sweet, cute. He was in like his late twenties I think or early thirties. We danced and it was over and I went back to my little space where Tiffany was sitting. Then I ask my mom who this handsome stranger was. Turns out he's not only married and with kids, but he's also my cousin.
Then my song comes on and everyone gets crazy. The one by pitbull, "bon bon".
I grab Tiffany, my little sister, and my cousin and away we went.

Getting the courage to go out there in front of everyone was scary. All these what ifs and images of me tripping on my feet played in my head, but all was well and that's that.

I wish I had taken those opportunities and all these family parties I've been to since I was little to just let loose without a care in the world. New mission: Take opportunities when they come. Do what makes me happy no matter how stupid I may look.

NOW, I am so pumped for next month.
My aunt (I have like 6) and her boyfriend invited my mom to a party in the city. And my mom wants me to go. Of course I'm going. Putting my new dance moves to the test. I might meet a nice, handsome, hispanic, tall dancer. Haha, doubt it since this is going to be like another family party and the same thing that happened at my graduation party could repeat itself. But you never know right?

Yes sireeeee.

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