
lets get rich and give everyone nice sweaters and teach them how to dance

Last night was intense and whoever posted that comment was right, I did sound selfish and self centered.
But whoever posted it, wow.
It's true though, I only looked at it through my eyes and didn't consider the other side. I was just angry. Like my metaphorical way of crying.
It's for the best though. We're both going separate ways right now and have things to do. It was getting too complicated. Like they say, everything happens for a reason. I'm a strong person, if I got over my past relationships, I can get over this one. I just gotta stop making making such a big deal. When you really love someone, you want what's best for them, even if it means not being with you.
Gotta learn to take my own advice and learn from the lessons that life brings.
-let go, it's for the best
-don't take people for granted
-think of others not just yourself
-get over it because it happened for a reason
-don't be so dramatic
-don't test a guy because it will end up messy
-life goes on
-don't feel like you have to rush into things, there's time
-don't make commitments unless you are 100% sure
-don't hold grudges
-and above all, learn from your mistakes and work to fix them so it doesn't happen again

It's funny how a night's sleep can change our whole outlook on things.

First things first though, I gotta work on myself first. And like Cainan says, stop having such high expectations when it comes to guys. And I'm sorry for being so overdramatic and making you feel like crap last semester. And for everything else. Hopefully everything goes well for you. Really. This relationship taught me so much and the way it ended was for the best, I know. Sometimes people are better off as friends. And like you said, we're both young. We shouldn't limit ourselves to one person now. Totally understandable.  Life goes on, but I just wish he was honest with me about his feelings. Oh well. Can't do anything about it, move on.


I took up dancing. It's so much fun. I never really knew my body could move like it does when I dance. I always saw myself as some form of dysfunctional person because of what I have, but I guess not. When I dance, like when I sing, clears my head and only focuses my mind on that one thing- the steps, the music, the lyrics, the sound. This zumba thing is crazy. Like seriously. Crazy, but so much fun.
Best song there is. Dancing to this is like being in a trance. Like seriously. 
This new semester will consist of partying and enjoying myself. And school of course.
This breakup is good then.
I need time for myself and not feeling like I have to please others.
I guess it's time to get crazy. hahahahahahahahahahaha

Just not too crazy ;)

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