
Appreciating the beauty of the Spanish language

It's beautiful, isn't it?
I've been on my "listening only to Spanish music" kinda mood and I just can't...I can't get over how much I love it. The music, the voices...I might actually have to say that Spanish music is better than English. Like seriously, it's so beautiful. Especially those romantic songs. Those are just so pure and language, no underlying messages, no bad anything-- only amazing messages about many different things; especially love and the difficulty it brings-- which is my FAVORITE topic. Spanish artists really know how to speak to me, like really. I can relate to everything they sing about. Camilia especially. They're so good. And their voices! Can I have them? And also Reik...those guys are so cute...and amazing voices as well. Those are my top favorite! Luis Fonsi is up there too of course....I can't choose, they're just all so good!

more days!


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