
I really enjoy the smell of clorox

First off, I'm pissed. I bought a dozen eggs last week and didn't even touch them until this morning and what do I find, 4 eggs missing. The nerve. Oh well, I honestly don't really care. I have more serious matters to be pissed about.

My mom called me this morning. She just came back from signing the papers; 2-3 months for it to be final.

It's going to be like a breath of fresh air without him around. No more dirty looks, no more seeing the way he treats my mom, and especially no more hearing him bash on the church. Every insult was like a punch in the gut. 

Well that's that. I can't do anything about it now. Maybe someday he will see the error of his ways and realize that HE, not us, were the cause of all this mess. But like I said yesterday, I really don't know exactly how to feel. The mood definitely changes and today, I feel like I don't care. I don't care what he does now. I don't care where he's going to go. I really don't care. One day though, karma is going to chase him and destroy him. I don't wish bad to him, he's my dad after all. But I guess you can say that I'm over him. I really had enough, like my mom, that he'll change. Hearing all these horrible things he's saying and doing is the last thing I can take. 

I torture myself thinking about him though and thinking about the "why" in all of this. 
Of course I know the reason, HER. That lady he met.
I feel sorry for her though because once he gets tired of her, like he did with my mom, he's going to do the same thing he did to us.
Sometimes I just wish that an angel would appear to him, like to Laman and Lemuel, and shake some sense into him. Does he not realize how many commandments he's broken; most especially the adultery one. 

What's left of my family, we're ready to move past this. Past all those years of pain.  We're ready to start over. And fresh beginnings are my favorite. I already have a gut feeling it's going to be a great new beginning.
Starting with that someone that I seriously believe the Lord placed in my life at the exact moment I needed him.

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