
A word from our sponsers

Public displays of affection.

This semester has literally been full of these moments.
In the living room, outside my bedroom window, the hallways. I seriously had enough.
It is so frickin' uncomfortable being here, just casually sitting in the kitchen table doing wirk or just cruising the internet or just eating a meal because you can't help but feel extremely uncomfortable and like you're a sicko by being there while they "do their thing".

I shouldn't really be talking because I've done plenty of PDA. But when you're single, the last thing you wanna see is a couple getting all mushy in front of you.


SO, here's something I am going to seriously stick to.
I've noticed that I've friend-zoned a couple of guys. And I feel bad. Because now that I think of it, how much I hate to admit it--I have high expectations for guys. I want the ideal guy that society tells me to fall for. The tall, funny, smart, ridiculously good looking guy. And for some, yeah, they'll be with a guy like that, but not every guy is like that. A guy is like a bag of M&Ms; made of the same ingredients, but different colors. So my new goal is to stop having these expectations for guys; especially in the appearance category I then constantly worry about what others may think of him, what my fiends will think, etc. That has gotta stop. I now vow to just let things happen. If I really enjoy spending time with a guy, if he makes me laugh (not just the casual joke that brings that temporary laugh, but the guy that can naturally be really funny), if he's sweet, thoughtful, smart, encouraging, and finally, the greatest attribute that I've learned that I want in a guy--isn't afraid to hurt my feels and is sure of himself. If a guy fits into this category, and he appears to be into me, then why not? Just because he doesn't fit into that tall, dark, and handsome category that the world puts guys in and expects them to be in---doesn't mean that I though friend-zone a guy that fits into the qualities I want in a guy, but that doesn't look good in the world's eyes. As long as I see him as my tall, dark, and handsome guy, on my own terms---that's enough for me.

What's the point in dating someone that the world sees as attractive if you're going to be miserable and not able to be yourself 100% around them?
Look for a guy that brings out the best in you and that you have a ridiculously good time with. Where awkward moments of silence don't exist. Where texts can just consist of smiley faces. Where words aren't necessary to communicate all the time. Where you never run out of things to talk about. Where he makes you laugh like no one else can. Where you are able to have deep-meaningful discussions. Where both of you aren't afraid to express your feelings. Where both of you aren't afraid to hurt each other with the truth.

This is what I want and this is what I'm gonna strive to get for myself.
I finally feel like I get the whole relationship thing. :)

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