
Father's Day

It was yesterday right? Haha, just making sure, ya never know these days right? :P

So after church and as I was walking back to my apartment, I decided to call my dad and wish him a happy father's day. Also because it gave me something to do as I walked back home. Anyway, so I call him and and I'm a bit surprised at myself at first because of the tome of voice I use to talk to him; cheery and upbeat. I'm supposed to be mad at him, HELLO! It really is hard for me to be mad at people and actually stay mad at them.
I wish him a happy father's day and whatnot, small talk, I wish my uncle a happy father's day, talk to my cousin, then we said our good byes. That was it. Then I tell my mom and she got pissed off because she doesn't like my uncle.
At my graduation party last year (crazy that it was last year!) she tried to talk to him and invite him as well as maybe even talk to him about setting some sense in my dad's head about his affair. But he totally ignored her cry for help and for that my mom is very resentful towards him. Well, that's the story.

31 DAYS!
I am so excited. SO. EXCITED.

I am so over this semester.
I am so over my roommates.
I am so over my classes.

I feel like a senior with senioritis; not wanting to do any work because you know you're pretty much done anyway.

I am so happy about the friendships I strengthened this semester-- even if it was over the internet.
We've made so many plans for fall that it really makes me sooooooooooo pumped for fall.

But until then, I have to get through this annoying semester first.

My single adults ward throws opening socials like every month.
Do I attend?
Heck no.

I'm never gonna see these people ever again nor do I intend to either so what's the point.
And even if I went I'd b really bored or feeling like crap because everyone is all happy doorey with their friends and I'm just there--without my friends. 
I'd rather be talking to my friends on skype thank you very much. Or doing homework. Or just sitting on my bed listening to music and stalking ex boyfriends.

Yup, I'm that cool on weekends, that's basically all I do besides go to church on sundays and do laundry on saturday mornings. This past saturday though I totally didn't wanna do laundry. For two reasons mostly. To sleep in till noon (man, that was pretty nice except for the fact that my day went by really fast after that) and also because I had no money in change to do laundry. So today I must while I work out. 

Secret: I like pretending that I'm a zumba instructor and lock myself in my room and just dance until all my energy is dead or I'm bored and had enough. It's pretty nice, just letting loose and all.

I wish I could take a nap right now, like really. I have like an hour or so until my next class. MEHHH. But at the same time I don't want to either.

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