
The awkward moment when "that song" randomly comes on

I just watched this movie about this timer thing that people have inserted on their wrists that tells them the exact time that they're going to meet their soulmate. When they make eye contact with that person, it starts beeping and so does that person's. How easier would life be if that was the case, huh? As the movie progressed I thought about me and if I would get the timer. On the brightside I would know when I meet him and all the hard work would be over right? But no, in reality I wouldn't get it because when I think about it, the timer is like not going through the veil and knowing when everything is supposed to happen in your life. Knowledge is power. It would drive me crazy and I wouldn't be able to learn from all the experiences.
Anyway, math is going to kill me. I spent like all of this memorial day break doing math. Did I get things accomplished? Yes, I finished my math hw, the teacher math assignments, and even took my book of mormon midterm. Did I learn anything while studying math? No, not really. My brain is literally mush. Maybe tomorrow my brain will try to cooperate. It better because I have a test to take on Wednesday. Maybe I should take it tomorrow? The thing is I have that play for humanities I have to go to on Wednesday. If I take my test Wednesday, I'll have no time to go home and get ready in time for the play, depending on how long it takes me to take the test, but then I won't be able to work out.
If I take it Tuesday, I'll be able to work out, study a bit until devotional is over, then go take the test. I mean, I have like until 9:00pm to go take it, right? Hmmm, let's aim for tomorrow, but would that be enough time to study for this test? It's only three chapters. Three stupid, annoying chapters. GRR, I hate math. SO MUCH.

In terms of the blogger challenge, I'm falling behind. Like a lot.
I'll try my best to get better on doing that. I seriously need to stay committed to it.
Well, gotta go snooze to recharge my mind for tomorrow's math review. (oh joy)

P.S. You know what's weird? When random people appear in your dreams. When people appear in your dreams, they're thinking of you. Should I be flattered? Weirded out? It's probably nothing right? Just another random guy that decided to cruise by my subconscious.

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