
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn't have

A habit? Hmmmmmm?

I really can't think of one. WELL, my biggest "habit" is leaving everything till the last minute. And when I do I'm rushing everywhere trying to finish that task and then I get all stressed out and....just writing about it makes me panic. The thing is though, when I leave things till the last possible minute, I work better and get things done faster. When I know I have a week or a couple days to do it I put it off because I know I have time, but I don't cause I leave to do this assignment till the last minute. I work better under stress though, that's why. But I really wish I didn't. It would be nice to get things done before they're actually supposed to be done so that I could have some extra and MUCH NEEDED down time. Overall, I just described procrastination.

Procrastination; that's my bad habit I wish I could get rid of.

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