
Something completely unrelated

Apparently there are 10 more weeks left of the semester. 10 more weeks of feeling like I'm not at home.
Because that's what fall semester felt like for me. Where I lived, especially with the people I spent with on a daily basis- that felt like home. The way it should be.
Like I said before, lesson learned.
And always listen to your mom because she's always right.
How many times will it be before I finally get this stuck into my head?

This weekend was fun. I spent it at Steph's apartment. From Friday to Monday. It really is nice; the silence that is here compared to the chaos that awaits for me when I return to my own apartment. The funny thing is though that I sorta miss that apartment. Mainly my bed. And the potential of seeing the guy that kinda drives me crazy.
I haven't even talked to him except for saying "hey" yet I kinda feel like I know him?
Kinda like how I felt about Cainan; like I've met him before- ya know?


I'm just gonna leave everything up to the Lord. If something big is supposed to happen with this whole guy thing, so be it.
My anonymous commenter said to go for it. Thing is I'm done doing the pursuing. Soooooooooo, that's that.
TALKING ABOUT GUYS- on Saturday I went on a media hunt for my humanities class with my group. There's this guy I sit next to in class who was in my group and he's so nice. We get along really well. We really hit it off; friend wise. I'm happy about all the cool people I'm meeting this semester.

Talking about friends; I forgot to mention one very important guy in my life.
My best friend Mike. He's always been there for me since the very start and I'm so grateful for that. Anything I need; an ear to talk to or complain to- he's always there to listen.

I'm so grateful for all the people in my life that make my life happy and the people that are to come into it in the future :)

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