
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

First off, this is totally off topic and all, but I really really like hummus now. So good.
NOTE: This post was written yesterday; day 5 of the challenge. I just forgot to upload it. 

Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

I went here during conference in October 11', but I first came here in September with my mom when we were on our way to BYU-Idaho fall semester with Alida and her mom. It was so cool. My favorite part was when we went to the visitor's center with some sister missionaries we met and watched a video about eternal families. I was bawling because the spirit touched me so strongly during that time. I thought about how someday I'm going to have a family of my own and we'll be together forever. But I was also sad at the fact that my current family might not be able to enjoy this blessing because of my dad not being a member. Everything is possible, right? Nothing is impossible with the Lord. He can make things happen that you think will never happen in a million years. For example, today my mom called me to tell me that our green cards arrived in the mail. Finally, after 13 years of waiting for these pieces of plastic. And here I thought that this moment would never happen, but it did. Now to wait 5 years to become a full US citizen. Oh boy, more waiting. 
Apparently the same spiritual moment happened to my mom; she bawled too. It was truly a touching moment for both of us. That was my favorite part of the trip to Temple Square. Hopefully I go here again soon, but this time with my siblings too. 

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