
C'mon, seriously...?

My main priority this semester is to 100% focus on school and keeping my grades in the A area.  Basically I'm a TOTAL hermit this semester ( 80% of the time). I go to class, go to the gym. and do homework. On the weekends I do laundry and I go over to Steph's and stay until curfew. My other goal was to eliminate my boy crazy nature so that I could focus. I'm actually doing ok I guess...not really paying so much attention on the attractiveness of every guy I encounter on a daily basis here at school.  BUT SERIOUSLY?

I think life is playing a joke on me; trying to make me loose my focus. So today in Book of Mormon, I sit in my usual seat; front row (I have sight issues) . I'm sitting there, waiting for my buddy Emily to arrive and then this totally gorgeous guy comes and sits next to me. He took Emily's seat, I was kinda pissed BUT luckily there was another seat on my other side. Anyway, throughout the entire class (or at least a majority of it) 1. I caught him looking at me and 2. he was flexing his arms. In my mind I was like "really?" I couldn't focus at all. Then he kept leaning in closer to me. I was like, "ummmm..." And every time he saw I was looking at him (not intentionally-- I needed to see the teacher) he turned red. Did I mention he has an amazing singing voice?

See, this is why I can't be focusing on things like this--I loose focus in class.

Then there's this other guy. I show zero interest in him yet I have a feeling that he's going to try to pull something. Every time he sees me he's like "hi Jess" and I usually just mutter a quick friendly "hey" back and go on my way. Like really, I have a gut feeling something's going to happen. Just watch nothing happen and I'm over-thinking like I usually do. But that simple "hi Jess" drives me crazy. I start dreaming about him (life being not so funny again) and getting all weird feelings in the pit of my stomach when he pops into my mind.  And he makes his way into my mind at the randomest moments too--I'm not even thinking about anything then POW, he's on my mind.

You gotta be kidding me, at the moment when I want to concentrate and put all my effort into school--guys start popping out of the blue. When I need them to, nothing. But when I don't...this happens.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a sign from the heavens. In my opinion I think you should just enjoy this moment while its here and just go with it. You're always constantly talking about when you're going to get married and meet your significant other in these blogs; well I think this is it. Just my opinion here.
