
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you AND day 08- Short term goals for this month and why

I'm a day I'll save myself the time and do yesterday's and today's posts in one gianormous post!

Day 7: a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.
I would obviously say Jesus Christ, duh.
But let's mix it up a little bit, huh? I'm gonna talk about my madre.

This is a weird picture because I look weird, but my mommy looks cute. :)
My mom is my greatest role model because she shows to me what it's like to really fight to something you believe in and to endure all the hard trials that life throws at you. She has been through so much; so much ridicule, sorrow, disappointment- yet she is still very firm in keeping herself with a believing heart and with a very strong faithful heart. She's obviously not perfect and I've experienced those moments where she was hanging on a thread, but she has taught me to be more positive in times of hard trials. She is the one who has taught me accept myself the way I am and to say no to people in my life that don't appreciate who I am. She has taught me about the importance of a family- even though we don't have a normal one. She has taught me to love the Gospel and basically if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be a member of the church.

Day 8: Short term goals for this month and why
Well, I sorta consider this month to be practically over since we've reached the double digits, but whatever.
Since the start of this semester I haven't missed a day where I didn't go to the gym. Well, minus the weekends (my muscles need a break sometimes you know).There was one day though where I missed a day, but I made it up on a Saturday(:
Anyway, my short-term goal is to just run for the rest of the semester. No zumba (tear) until I return home. Just run.
Let's list.
-Get through the rest of this month then JUNE then 1 more month till I return to my beloved New York.
-Stop using up money on things I really don't need (like sunglasses...which I bought today on amazon).
Wait, these look long term.
-practice math for upcoming tests
-actually catch up with parenting book (like 20 chapters...)
-get ecclesiastical hold removed
-go to interview for said hold
-figure out classes for fall semester
That's all I can really think of that I need to accomplish this month.

Peace out.
Olive you (:

1 comment:

  1. Shi...nit. I need to remove my hold too!! thank u for reminding me! xoxo
