
Cool story bro

Life is seriously too short to be worrying and over-thinking and making yourself miserable by your own doing.
For now, I'm just going to forget all the things that constantly flow in my mind. All the people, the what ifs, the hopes, the dreams, the obsessions-- I'm moving them temporarily to the back of my mind. Not forgetting them completely, of course not. All those hopes, dreams, people that take over your thoughts, obsessions-- they make you who you are and give you something to look forward to. It's just that I think about them way too much. And when you think about it too much, doubts start placing themselves in your mind. It's better to keep those thoughts as optimistic as possible and the only way of doing that is by not thinking about them too much.
Emerging myself in a world that is completely not my own by doing something that I really love and that helps me keep my head clear and happy; my reading and by pushing my limits everyday by working out. 

Like today for instance, I revisited an old workout routine. I seriously felt like my feet were going to fall off. I remembered why I hated doing this routine. But then I felt all that sweat pouring down my face, the strength and power I felt by the constant contractions of my muscles (at least those that I do have anyway, haha) and that motivated me to keep going. That all I really needed to get through this was my determination and endurance. Working out just completely clears my mind of everything. And when I say everything, I mean all the worries of my life, all the plans I have for myself and think about on a daily basis, and even that guy that has recently invaded my mind. It feels so good; having a mind full of only that determination to finish and get the best out of the workout. 

This week, I've been on such a roller-coaster. I've been so unbelievably happy, pissed off for no reason, miserable, sad, and like everything is fall apart when it isn't. Sometimes I think that I'm bipolar or something. But then I remember that it's a little something called hormones and PMS. 
Oh joy.

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