

I took out 2 books at the library today, one being one of my absolute favorites. I can't believe I ever forgot about it! Suffer the Children, seriously so good. There's mystery, blood, unhappy things, terror-- a few of my favorite topics in books.
One hundred years ago in Port Arbello a pretty little girl began to scream. And struggle. And die. No one heard. No one saw. Just one man whose guilty heart burst in pain as he dashed himself to death in the sea. Now something peculiar is happening in Port Arbello. The children are disappearing, one by one. An evil history is repeating itself. And one strange, terrified child has ended her silence with a scream that began a hundred years ago.
I can't seem to put the book down. But then again, I don't wanna finish reading it in like, two days sooo I'll give it a rest.

Apparently, in order to check out more books at the library, I need to pay off my fines-- all $48 of it.
Good news is that I was offered a little job twice a week at the library and the lady said I could work to pay off my fines. Oh goodie, more books. Lately, for quite some time now, I haven't enjoyed reading like I used to. My new goal is to get back to reading.
The lady at the library is so nice, there are like 4 ladies that work there. 3/4 of them are so nice, BUT the other one....oh boy. She ALWAYS looks so pissed off. She scares me.  Anyway, the lady, I commented on how I lost my library card once upon a time and asked her how much it's to replace it, and she gave me a new one for free. Bless her heart. So I got a new shiny library card. SO excited about that.

I watched this movie with my sister earlier, so corny, but so good! And the guy in it! Ohhhh snaaaap, those lips he had. Mmmmmmm :P

That's one thing that I find really nice in guys. There are of course the eyes, that adorable smile, and the lips.

Ugh, my neck. Someone needs a message. Like now.

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