
Party with my missionary?

Haha, ok, he's not mine, but I refer to him as my missionary because I had the biggest crush on him when he served in my ward. Then again, I had crushes on like every cute tall dark haired missionary that passed by and gave me that dreamy look. With the exception of two, they were brown haired, haha. Anyway, there's a YSA party today and since I just barely woke up like 10 minutes ago, and have no ride-- looks like I won't be attending. He's supposed to be there too, but eh, I doubt it considering he volunteered to help my brother with his Eagle Scout project. Adrian doesn't like him much though, thinks he's too full of himself. I'll have to see this for myself, maybe tomorrow during sunday school since, surprise, he's in it with me. It's gonna be so weird though, he was a missionary here not too long ago and now I have to refer to him as "Austin"-- it's the weirdest experience of my life. Now I'm just being dramatic, but you get the picture. So in terms of "partying" with him today, it's a no go. I don't even know how I feel about him. Like on Sunday after 2nd hour I was just standing there, talking to my friends and obsessing over how fun Zumba is and then I notice him casually looking over at me. Uhhhm, checking me out? Maybe. It made me giggle on the inside though. I wonder if he'll still have that effect on me though, whenever he talks to me. Whenever he talked to me I would basically go all gaga on the inside. But in terms of a crush, nah. He's nice to look at though. My mom jokes around that he came back for me, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, hilarious.  At the moment I have my eyes set on someone else. But you never know how the future unfolds. Who knows, I might end up getting to know him better and end up falling for him instead. He might start doing things to get my attention, who knows.
I remember him being so easy to talk to. I think it was him who I talked music with. We have like the exact same music tastes. I wonder if that's still the case. When I do end up talking to him, hopefully I don't end up making a fool of myself, cause he's quite an attractive guy, in my opinion. And he has really nice, bright, green eyes. And I'm a sucker for guys with green eyes. Except for that goatee of his, that thing has to go.

ANYWAY, it's raining. And I'm in my pjs. Hair that looks like I just out of a great wind storm. And blogging. And music playing. And home alone. Love these rare moments.  But then again, I've been spending 50% of my time back home in pjs and messy hair and looking like I just rolled out of bed, hahahahaha, OH WELL, it's not like I have to look presentable at all hours of the day, especially during the summer. Of course with the exception of church and those moments I go out.

What to do, what to do with what little remains of my day since I used most of it sleeping. But I'm so tired most of the time, not because I stay up late-- I don't even know. Maybe my body is trying to get all the sleep it missed out on when I was in Idaho.

I'm hungry, time for a ham quesadilla. Best invention of mine.

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