
Day 20: Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future

Oh goodie, my favorite topic.

It's hard to say, there's really no one that I could see myself marrying in the future considering I'm not seeing anyone. As for the other, I actually do. But it's a maybe. It would be nice, it really would. This someone is seriously the sweetest. But who knows what the future holds, just gotta accept it as it comes and hope for the best. Like that quote says, "find someone who can make you smile and don't give up on them". He sure does make me smile. A lot. It would mean everything to me if by any chance we did end up together, he's seriously quite something. But like I said, we'll see what the future holds.

Since this part of the blogger challenge requires me to write about this topic, I have no choice but to just write about it despite the numerous posts I've already written on the topic. Oh weeeeeell.

In terms of dating, at this point, I'm over it. Not like give up on it, but like, in my point of view I see dating as something to help you figure out what you want in a significant other and with all the relationships I've been in and all the knowledge I gained from them, I know what I want, no need to date around. I know what qualities I like and want in a guy. At this point, I'm done with just dating and getting into relationships with people that just make me happy. It's one thing to have someone to make you happy, yes that's important, but also there's having someone that can make you happy and be everything you want and look for and yes, maybe even see yourself spending the rest of your life with. And having that someone feel the same. There's an emotional agreement between you two and both of you want the same things and all both of you want is to be with each other. There's those two differences. I'm done with settling with "as long as this person makes me happy...". When you settle for the minimum, you make excuses for them and the qualities that you want. Everyone deserves someone that is exactly what they need in a companion. I don't want to waste my time with people that don't fit the qualities I want in a guy, it's that time in my life when I have to get serious about this subject, even church leaders encourage it.  All I want is a meaningful and fulfilling relationship. With no doubts, no questioning, no excuses, equal effort and commitment on both sides, and a relationship that could potentially blossom to be something more than just a relationship, blossom into something eternal and sacred.

But hey, that's just me.
Who I'm waiting for is worth the wait. 


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